Is It Real?… Yet Again

TUES., JULY 11, 1995, 12:03 AM

Here you are again, in this truly early morning time, coming to Me more like Andy’s way than your own. Your inability to fall asleep… there was no pain, not even discomfort… was I a part of the cause? Why don’t you assume I was.

From time to time… though not very often now… you consider this vital question about this “practice”, this pad of paper, this pen, and what you have in words, ideas, even truths after what may be calculated as an hour or so. Is it real that you are hearing from the Holy Spirit of the Lord God? Do I come to you in English that you understand very well… or are you just making all of this up, out of a somewhat creative mind? Is this possible, in a rational culture, with a relatively undistinguished older man? Am I coming in quite a similar way… amazingly similar… to a young woman in Wisconsin that you really don’t know very well… not well enough so that you have influenced one another in this strange, parallel way? When will I stop posing questions and start answering?

I tell you, yet again, that this is a truly real experience. You, a reasonably rational Presbyterian Christian, with a doctorate in health education from a fine, but secular, university, have been chosen by Me for this continuing mystical experience. Yes, you are squarely in the tradition of Christian Mystics, who can appear in any part of My Body, the Church. (You notice, that, though I am identified as Holy Spirit, I am also One with Jesus, the Christ and the Almighty Father God, and I can speak in first person as “any One of Me”). Though it would be more expected for such an “appearance” to be in a more evangelistic, charismatic church I prefer to act in non-stereotypic ways.

You have been associated with your Mother-in-law, Mabel, for lo, these many years. Hers was a somewhat more dramatic election than yours, and it was not accepted by many of her fellow Southern Baptists, a fundamental denomination, but not one big on mystical experiences. So she was more comfortable with Pentecostals, and her ministry has been mainly with those drawn to such congregations. Your calling was somewhat like hers, but also quite different. My Teachings to you are different, in several ways, from the Messages I offer to and through her. This may not seem consistent to you or to her (and must I be consistent?), but no human, however well educated and however close to Me, can see the whole of creation and the vast panorama of human life as I do. Just as there are quite different “parts” within this mystical Body of Mine, so there are different ministries, with messages that are different and even, seemingly, contradictory. But no one of you can tell Me how I must be, as Triune God, the Only God.

In one way you are called to be a special servant of Mine, affecting people’s lives by your life and its “work.” In another way you are called in this way, place, and time because I like to have fun… and this that I have done does have a nicely ridiculous quality to it. You are both sinner and saint… both important and unimportant.

As you consider these volumes of Teachings, up against your lack of personal desire to have such a “gift,” you must conclude that it is I, not you, Who are “in charge” here. Though We have a rather normal way of relating, resulting in 3 pages of what you hear Me saying, you know, by now, that I can come to you at any time of the day or night, and in quite a variety of settings. I speak on a wide range of topics, some quite personal, some cultural, some theological, some educational, some just “spiritual.” (And which is this?)

TUES., JULY 11, 1995, 12:03 AM

Here you are again, in this truly early morning time, coming to Me more like Andy’s way than your own. Your inability to fall asleep… there was no pain, not even discomfort… was I a part of the cause? Why don’t you assume I was.

From time to time… though not very often now… you consider this vital question about this “practice”, this pad of paper, this pen, and what you have in words, ideas, even truths after what may be calculated as an hour or so. Is it . . .

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