Is There An “End”?

TUES., FEB. 1, 2000, 8:27 PM

The Scripture portion for tomorrow has Me, as Jesus, coming closer to the end of (his) My earth life. (Woops! Be careful about Who is speaking). I was not looking forward to it, because it would be painful, physically and socially. Crucifixion is a terrible way to die… and yet it also is quite heroic. All through your life, but particularly when you were younger, you have created fantasies about dying for some mighty cause… or at least “being willing to.”

Socially and spiritually I enjoyed popularity as a teacher and preacher… even healer. I had a following that I thought was important. Yet it was clear to Us – Father, Holy Spirit, and Me – that a sacrifice was necessary… even desirable.

Symbolically it was Passover time, and a feature of this remembrance of My action, as God Almighty, to thwart those who would kill Jewish babies ( 8:40 / 8:42 ) (Woop!) save the Jews in the Egypt experience. At Passover a lamb was sacrificed, an innocent lamb. I was to be the human “equivalent” of that lamb. And yet, of course, the majority of Jews did not accept this… as I saw it.

I realize, as Holy Spirit (I’m “changing” a good bit tonight) that it is confusing to you, as a now 21st century Christian, to feel much Aloha for the Jews of My time as the Messiah. They did not accept Me as such. They took some of My honest affirmations as blasphemous in relation to Me, as their Father God. I, in a way, had “arranged” this. With powers that I had – personally, spiritually, and supernaturally – I could have extricated Myself from this “preface to the end,” but I didn’t. I went to My death, as a sacrifice.

I know that you have considered that what happened to many European Jews during World War II in the Holocaust was a kind of balance. There were many tortured deaths at the hand of the Nazis, but the result was the establishment of Israel as a sovereign state.

I suffered, as Jesus, but this brought a mystical “salvation” for those who have believed in Me, over these centuries. I gave My life… but it also was forcibly taken from Me. Many Jews of the 1940’s gave their lives, though these also were taken from them. As a result Israel came into being again, a kind of political “resurrection.” In each “case” suffering seemed necessary for actual redemption.

Now let’s get back to My title. The Scriptures tell of My heroic death by crucifixion, but then go on to have Me return, in bodily form (with a bit or eeriness), as a kind of “encore.” I had died, but I was resurrected, in that familiar Easter story. But it was kind of a “second ending,” with ascension into heaven. It obviously was not the “end” of Me, as Jesus.

I was remembered, of course, but I also have returned to earth, “unofficially,” in many ways like unto My Presence as Holy Spirit. Your son Peter claimed to have seen Me, and he did. There was nothing “majestic” about that. I just chose him for such an “honor,” for I did know that his life would not be long.

So, no, Peter’s life didn’t end. It just “changed form” and place, in some ways comparable to My end, as Jesus. Michael’s life certainly didn’t end, even as the body was dead… and buried. Your earth life will not be much longer, but you are certainly right in experiencing expectations for continued “life” that are most positive.

TUES., FEB. 1, 2000, 8:27 PM

The Scripture portion for tomorrow has Me, as Jesus, coming closer to the end of (his) My earth life. (Woops! Be careful about Who is speaking). I was not looking forward to it, because it would be painful, physically and socially. Crucifixion is a terrible way to die… and yet it also is quite heroic. All through your life, but particularly when you were younger, you have created fantasies about dying for some mighty cause… or at least “being willing to.”

Socially and spiritually I enjoyed popularity as a teacher and . . .

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