Is This “The Time”…?

SAT., MAY 9, 1998, 7:51 PM

It is possible that the Adult Forum you “planned to plan” will begin tomorrow morning. Your phone doesn’t work now, so you can’t determine whether this is so… or is it next week? Whatever… you are doing some preparation now, and you do need some words of wisdom from Me. Remember that you have two pertinent Ruminations that can be of help.

Solomon was a good king, for awhile, and then he became the victim of his own successes. Yet, in the spirit of Ecclesiastes, he came to see both his successes and his disappointments as just “a chasing after wind.” He could say that nothing really matters, but such an earnest, honest proclamation was equally unimportant. So what is important? I Am… and what you do is important if it is done for Me and in a spirit of holy fun.

Earth life, in one sense, is serious and the content of the daily news is important in its seriousness. In another sense, however, whatever has been, will be… there is nothing truly new under the sun. Successes and failures are equally vital… and of no consequence. There is a time to build up and a time to break down. This can be applied to the human body and thus is related to “a time to be born and a time to die”. If the build-up process is healthy, well-planned, and appropriate, life can be long, happy, and productive. If it is not the break-down comes earlier… but eventually it comes, even to the healthiest. You’re not sure what is best to do for your Muumuu left hand, a break-down you are not appreciating fully… even as you are adapting quite well. Is this a breakdown to accept? Probably not. I’ll be interested in what you decide… and finally do.

There are times to weep and times to laugh. Sometimes it is quite clear which “time” it is, but I also see that often the same situation can bring forth both tears and laughter. In many ways this earth is quite a laughable realm. “Funniest Home Videos” is a good example… of possible tragedies that, on film, bring forth hilarious responses. I smile when you honestly and truly shout or mumble “Oh Shit!” and then burst into laughter at that which seemed so bad.

I invite you to see that “a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted” can also apply to animals. You have eight animals in the pasture, too many for their size and the size of the grassland. You have “planted”, in that you have arranged for them to reproduce and to grow. Now it soon shall be time for them to be sold, for a better balance. Likewise, some of these small, growing rabbits will soon come to their “time to die” another kind of “plucking up” that is part of My Web of Life.

The news of virtually every day and night poses some form of the question: is it a time for peace or for some form of war. You just reviewed King Solomon’s life, in brief form, and he seemed to have a reign of peace that lasted 40 years. Yet after his reign his kingdom split apart, and war as more the mode than peace. Generally, in the earth today, there is relative peace, but there are stresses and tensions that could result in conflict. How will it be in the rest of your earth life? A time for…

I like the application you made in Our Ruminations of “a time to kill and a time to heal”. Cancer cells are your cells, and you have some occupying places in your body. Sometimes it seems necessary to try to kill these cells, for, like “fallen angels” they are doing harm rather than good. Yet these effective killing processes can be harmful to the total health of the body. So it could be a “better time” to encourage holistic healing which then, more gently, helps the cancer cells from over-growing.

You are now experiencing “a time to seek and a time to lose”. You are quite naturally losing your status as an active faculty member, known by students. To retain this, for a while longer, you’ll have to seek ways and means to know students that you have not had in class, so that the inevitable loss is not so stunning. Eventually, of course, it will be a time to lose.

SAT., MAY 9, 1998, 7:51 PM

It is possible that the Adult Forum you “planned to plan” will begin tomorrow morning. Your phone doesn’t work now, so you can’t determine whether this is so… or is it next week? Whatever… you are doing some preparation now, and you do need some words of wisdom from Me. Remember that you have two pertinent Ruminations that can be of help.

Solomon was a good king, for awhile, and then he became the victim of his own successes. Yet, in the spirit of Ecclesiastes, he came to see . . .

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