It CAN Be Done!

SAT., AUG. 8, 1998, 1:43 AM

The “It” in this title is the living of life as I want, for you, in these golden years. You can change and develop as I direct… which We all agreed upon before your spirit took on the identity of Bob Russell, now nearly 73 earth years ago. As I’ve told you, the early and middle years of this life have followed “The Plan” with good success. There were minor variations, but generally your life has been just about as We wanted it to be.

Many of your fellow American Christians would not like… and would deny… that there was such a Plan for a life, and that it is “good” that there was a predestined way for you to live and to behave. So I’ll say… this is how it is for a soul with some good development, from a number of “lives”, in the earth and in other realms. Early on a soul has more of what you might call freedom… free will… which builds a karma. After some amount of “experience” (not the same for every person) it becomes somewhat clear what “kinds” of lives and activities you need to grow and develop back to Me, with satisfactions for all of Us.

Then a life can be “planned”, and the “trick” is to live it out as planned when your conscious mind has had to “forget” what the plan was. Your spirit has more of a memory, so as spirit is strong you just know what you should be deciding and doing, and your life develops “as it should”.

The “choice” for you to be a middle-class American at this time in cultural history made life both easier and harder. Physically, financially, and socially your life has been relatively easy. The “hard part” is in going around the dominant belief that there is only one life and that there is no pre-plan… it just happens as it happens. You have done this fairly well, even as you wish there were more folk with whom you could share how life is, from your “vantage point”.

As a life work you were to be an educator. If, on at least two occasions, you would have abandoned this destiny your life would have been different… and not as satisfying and growth producing. Can I say this with certainty? Well, just say I have ways of knowing… what would have been as compared with what was.

Your first born-again experience was important in opening your perception of what life “should be about”. You encountered a perspective on everlasting life, and you have found and developed ways of melding it with your Christian faith which has a Calvinistic “slant” to it. Then I decided to help you in this adventure, and so you were “born”, yet again.

Now you are definitely “picking up speed” in your understanding and perceptions of life. You have enjoyed a career just right for you, from the early years of educating as an athletic trainer and coach to these final years as a tenured, full professor, encouraging learning in several areas of your true interest and expertise. All of that has been joyfully accomplished, and now the “It” is completing this physical life as Bob Russell with as much spiritual development and maturation as possible.

You have an ideal “place”, and an ideal life companion. You just must make choices and take actions that are right for this maximum development. This can come most easily if you can maintain this perception of life in day-by-day actions, guided by your spirit… which is guided by Mine. It is not yet certain how successful you will be in this opportunity. It requires just the ideal balance of trying and not trying… of spirit and mind working together rather than in opposition.

SAT., AUG. 8, 1998, 1:43 AM

The “It” in this title is the living of life as I want, for you, in these golden years. You can change and develop as I direct… which We all agreed upon before your spirit took on the identity of Bob Russell, now nearly 73 earth years ago. As I’ve told you, the early and middle years of this life have followed “The Plan” with good success. There were minor variations, but generally your life has been just about as We wanted it to be.

Many of your fellow American . . .

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