It Might As Well Be Spring

FRI., FEB. 25, 2000, 4:05 PM

The warm breezes from the south are a herald, certainly, of the Spring season. You could have a few more blasts of winter, but the new season cometh. You’re finding that it is quite comfortable, having fewer and fewer responsibilities. Two more (Newsletters)… whoops… We both have to keep track of what you are giving up and when… sets of Minutes for Session meetings and that task will join the Newsletter in the “been there, done that” category.

Thus, you shall be “just a member” of the Church, ready for short-term tasks, but no longer among the “officers.” You must admit that there is some “sorrow” in divesting yourself of the activities, but each will push you a bit more into the “retired” category that you will come to enjoy. You should feel pleased with what you have accomplished, but now it is time to come to a new, slower rhythm, one with the spiritual more and more “dominant.” (I use that term as I did as an emphasis on its greater relative importance, not as something that will be dominating. Remember that spirit is gentle and it seeks to harmonize your life, dominating but not “DOMINATING”).

Your firewood supply has been quite sufficient. You might as well burn what is stashed in the wood lot, what else is needed from the shed, and then restock what remains. Oh, on some fine Spring day you may gather up what is on the ground in the pasture, and begin to prepare for the coolness of Fall. If you do this now you won’t have to push yourself to do it in the heat of Summer.

(Someone who might read this… or hear it… in the future might question why I, Holy Spirit, am advising you on wood-cutting… and seasons. Well, We have “been together” long enough, so that We are friends. I don’t have to be concerned only with “holy matters.” I’m just quite willing… and pleased… to be helping you in this last “chapter” of this earth life. As I know you well, I can answer questions before you even ask them. I’m looking forward to sharing these fine years with you.)

I’m also pleased with the videotapes your son, John Patrick, is creating – of you reading some of these Teachings and then discussing them with him, the son who accepts them “the most.” You have no clear idea of how these might be replayed and “used,” but this needn’t be of concern to you. I’m guiding him in this and will continue to do so.

Your spirit warms to the cards and letters that have come, acknowledging your decisions about your cancer and giving their opinions and judgments on how you are perceiving life. You should either send a kind of Thank You card to these folks OR be reminded to add a note to the next Ruminations for each. I’m not pleased when you don’t respond to these fine friends who take the time to let you hear from them and express concerns.

You realize, of course, that you are “making a statement” with your decisions about treatment for this cancer that validates your academic approach to dying and death… and includes your concerns for the continued health of this planet Earth. Lives of the elderly, who live on with costly and environmentally harmful treatments, must not be medically extended. They are thus responsible for deteriorating conditions of a healthy environment… and you shouldn’t be “one of these.” You have reached beyond “three score and ten,” but you needn’t aspire to bodily life into your 80’s or 09’s. You’re assured that spiritual life continues, so why hang around in a body that’s less functional and less comfortable?

FRI., FEB. 25, 2000, 4:05 PM

The warm breezes from the south are a herald, certainly, of the Spring season. You could have a few more blasts of winter, but the new season cometh. You’re finding that it is quite comfortable, having fewer and fewer responsibilities. Two more (Newsletters)… whoops… We both have to keep track of what you are giving up and when… sets of Minutes for Session meetings and that task will join the Newsletter in the “been there, done that” category.

Thus, you shall be “just a member” of the Church, ready for . . .

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