“It’s A Funny World”

SAT., MAR. 1, 1997, 6:39 AM

These same words can mean two quite different “things”. The expression can mean that this world and the events in it are peculiar, unusual, strange. This is a “peculiar” use of a form of the word “fun”, but with a certain intonation this should be its understanding.

The more expected meaning is that many, if not most, of the happenings here on planet Earth have a “fun” quality to them. Spirit is what recognizes this “fun” aspect, and to experience, often, this fun is to live a good… and often a long… life.

Yesterday you were with your colleagues for most of the daylight hours. It was a serious meeting, with topics important to the future of this Department’s health education program. And yet there was, underlying, a spirit of fun… interactions of people who enjoy the fun of life. It would not be considered appropriately professional to affirm that you have fun teaching your courses, and you want your students to have fun in the classes. But now you should be able to say such, for fun is an aspect of spirit, and spirit is the final essence of life.

You notice a speck on your window. Then you see it move, very quickly for its size. Isn’t it funny that My Creation contains little creatures such as this, whose life span is very short, and that seem to have no purpose in this short life. You humans are much larger, you move more slowly, comparatively, and you live longer, BUT each of you does much that is pointless each day, and much of your “serious” work is of little lasting value. Is each of you more like a tiny gnat in My perception?

In your culture just now there is much serious consideration about unethical fund-raising for political campaigns. Given the conditions of living that I see, worldwide, it is both sad and funny to see well-paid people giving attention to who gives $100,000 to a party or a candidate and what do they want in return. I see the functional value of money, but I have told you often I have little concern for money in a right or wrong sense. I look for spirit and motivations, but money is “not of Me”…and I am amused more than saddened by its influence in the world.

You and Lenore did your stint in the afternoon as hosts and greeters for the University Club. That was fun, that experience of greeting, some whom you know and some not. You will have more fun tomorrow morning, greeting folks as they come into church. And I want you to have fun as you put this current Newsletter together. Too often you see it as a chore, and this isn’t necessary. It should be a fun experience, and you have the opportunity of helping your church brethren (and sistern?) see that life in relation to Me should be full of fun.

It should be fun for you to realize more fully (and even begin to communicate to others) that you, in a culture that seriously sees free will as a fact of life, have been guided in the major decisions of your life, and that you are doing what I want you to be doing. And it’s fun, not “slavery”. So here’s one of My funny assertions (and it can be interpreted in both ways): the more you do My Will, the freer you are… and the more fun life is.

Today, don’t see cleaning this study of yours as a chore, but as a “fun” experience. Continue to consider rearranging the “furniture”, as a fun way of greeting this next chapter in your life, with your hand in Mine, certainly.

Have fun with these classes and worry little about how much “content” they learn and remember. Any ways that you can devise and use for encouraging spirit bring applause from Me. Enjoy each day. When you’re truly not enjoying and having fun… stop and consider why… and you’ll usually be able to reorient quickly.

SAT., MAR. 1, 1997, 6:39 AM

These same words can mean two quite different “things”. The expression can mean that this world and the events in it are peculiar, unusual, strange. This is a “peculiar” use of a form of the word “fun”, but with a certain intonation this should be its understanding.

The more expected meaning is that many, if not most, of the happenings here on planet Earth have a “fun” quality to them. Spirit is what recognizes this “fun” aspect, and to experience, often, this fun is to live a good… and often a . . .

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