It’s A New Year… “

FRI., JAN. 1, 1993, 11:40 AM

Yes, o son, it’s a New Year, by your earth calendar, but you have more to look back on that forward to. Oh, year by year there is some newness, and you can never be certain that there won’t be some surprises… desirable or undesirable… but your life will be increasingly like your New Year’s Eve, last… gentle, predictable, non-exhausting.

Your teaching will continue in generally familiar ways. The changes in the university and in your department may affect you, but they’re unlikely to be more than minor. I continue to challenge you to make some positive changes each term, remaining unsatisfied with just repetition. I also challenge you to emphasize the spiritual even more. The three classes that lie ahead each offers a unique opportunity to emphasize spirit as a dominate factor. You have less and less need to be timid about such an introduction… the majority is with you, even in these classes.

I challenge you to transform your worries about your finances into the chance to trust in Me even more. Hear that there is nothing wrong with living more frugally for some months. You have done it before, and the memories of apparent hardships fade, as they should. Know that your resources are sufficient, and that I am fully aware of your needs.

I needn’t emphasize the importance of 4 issues of Our Ruminations this year. You have a good start on this last one for 1992, with some well chosen words from Me as I have commented on governance and money matters. Be sure that it gets out this next week and that you get the next one out before the “deadline.” This is one means that I have for communicating with certain people. You hear only a few such comments, but there are others who don’t let you know but that are spiritually moved by what you and I say, together. Perhaps the Mac will be a means to help make these Teachings more accessible and usable. This is your chance to learn about this technological device. Know, however, that I still am satisfied with this pen and this paper and your handwriting for the originals.

The letter to the Smith’s about the story of Patty’s death is a good one. Let that be a pattern for others that you need to write during this break time. You are rather good at letter writing, and this is one of the most human actions of which I approve. It is no accident or coincidence that some of My most important Scriptural truths came in letters, that make up most of My New Testament. Cards, of which you have many, are better than nothing, but rather long letters are even better. I shall continue to urge you to this spiritual task.

You are disturbed that your son #5, Matthew, has not been in communication with you this season. He does not respond to My calls to him either, but I continue fairly gentle means of reaching him, and I encourage you to persist also. You are one of the best means I have of reaching him, so I want you to keep trying.

Your body still works quite well, for its age. I have no firm objection to your having certain aspects checked, but I do want you to practice as well as advocate a spiritual rather than a physical-medical approach to health. Continue to value your experience: most of the pains and other abnormalities that you notice diminish and go away because of your reserve of overall health. Your body works to right itself and restore good function. You sometimes need more faith in this postulate of yours, in My blessings, and in the capacity of your body to do what I say it can and will do. Know that you are wasting some money in these quests.

FRI., JAN. 1, 1993, 11:40 AM

Yes, o son, it’s a New Year, by your earth calendar, but you have more to look back on that forward to. Oh, year by year there is some newness, and you can never be certain that there won’t be some surprises… desirable or undesirable… but your life will be increasingly like your New Year’s Eve, last… gentle, predictable, non-exhausting.

Your teaching will continue in generally familiar ways. The changes in the university and in your department may affect you, but they’re unlikely to be more . . .

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