It’s Called Pain…

MON., MAY 25, 1998, 2:37 AM

…and this is a new experience for you, late in life. Oh, you’ve had other kinds and types of pain (and you don’t tend to remember the details of a “pain experience”) but this one does seem to involve your body, working against itself, and, of course, I’m interested in how the whole complex of body, mind, and spirit balances out. I continue to affirm that, for you, spirit should be dominant in situations like this one, including this one. You know this, but it is not as easy, living it out, as you would hope.

Pain is part of earth life, even though, for most of you, it is not the dominant experience. For a few it is such, and your sister, Joanne, still must balance and decide, several times a day, what to do and what not to do, to accept, diminish, or counter such conditions. You have not had to do this, and you have not appreciated what she goes through… and how decisions now affect others, as well as self.

So… part of the purpose of this pain experience is to let you “feel” some varieties of pain, including some that you assumed you could “handle” rather easily. Another part of this purpose is the struggle to “assign blame”. Would decisions made earlier… and differently… have brought less painful experiences now? Or more? Are less painful experiences always to be desired? You know you don’t have to be here… and writing in this familiar fashion. But… you know (more fully) that what you hear from Me is of Supreme Worth.

It is a spiritual challenge to accept that actions that prolong earth life are not inherently better than those which shorten lives. Your understandings of My perceptions are improving, even as you can’t truly think, and perceive as I do. Accept what you have “achieved”, and know that I may be willing to give you more.

The most important “realization” in regard to your life as Bob Russell is that it will be over in some time span that will not be surprising to you. (I’ll just say it will not be long… nor short.) Thus, this is a time to be balancing two related, but different, approaches to the “rest of life”. My perceptions are of supreme importance, so, naturally, I want you to be hearing Me and applying what I recommend.

The nub of My teachings can be summarized to: live life positively. Perceive what has happened in positive terms… and… what you shall expect in positive ways. Look for positive relationships, even when this does not seem dominant. You almost have this internalized and can do it “naturally” (without thoughtful effort).

I’ll be with you in this time of pain. Which doesn’t mean you should not allay the discomfort, for a “better” life. I’ll accept that I could rather miraculously manage the pain for you. Don’t expect this, as My one Spiritual contribution. (3:52 AM / 10:41 PM)

This is an “odd” Teaching, started in the very early morning and finished in one of the last hours of this same day. But you needed to have some further pain experiences… AND… the experience of having some of these relieved in different ways. It was wonderful to have the skilled hands of Debra putting that somewhat painful catheter in, which relieved pain and discomfort of the “backed up” urine. You know she is competent as a nurse, but now she has shown this to you, personally, which is an illustration of pain relief by human hands.

You also are ingesting some medications, one to relieve the cause of pain, directly, and the other to blunt the symptoms called “pain”.

But… now I’ll go back to another “early morning” observation. The challenge to you, as a positive health advocate, is to truly consider these experiences of pain, be they single or multiple, be they extreme or minimal, as contributions to your positive health experiences… and do this with genuineness, not just a pollyannaish “front”.

MON., MAY 25, 1998, 2:37 AM

…and this is a new experience for you, late in life. Oh, you’ve had other kinds and types of pain (and you don’t tend to remember the details of a “pain experience”) but this one does seem to involve your body, working against itself, and, of course, I’m interested in how the whole complex of body, mind, and spirit balances out. I continue to affirm that, for you, spirit should be dominant in situations like this one, including this one. You know this, but it is not as . . .

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