It’s Spirit That Heals

THURS., JULY 7, 1988, 5:56 AM

Healing is a natural process for any living organism (and that includes the earth). And yet healing is necessary because life is a struggle, sometimes gentle, sometimes desperate. Why? Because that was part of creation. The earth, as I created it, is an ecosystem so complex that complete understanding is impossible. A fundamental fact of this creation is competition and struggle, and, therefore, healing is essential.

I’ll concentrate, o son, on the human healing process, but understand, please, that this is part of a complex system of cause and effect. As I have told you many times, the spirit is everlasting. It comes from Me, and, eventually, it returns to Me. But the body was created to perish. It is a wonderful phenomenon, this joining of two cells with the capacity for growth and for using nourishment to become a large body with billions of cells. At some point the adaptive and healing powers of each body are insufficient, and the body dies. Then, if allowed, it deteriorates and becomes part of the whole again, with nourishment for more of present life.

Your body has exhibited fine capacities to heal throughout your life. Admittedly, the competition has not been great. You haven’t encountered multiple infections or great trauma, but your body has responded well to challenges. Other bodies may have much more difficulty, and so some systems of medicine must be developed. Your culture’s system is wonderful in some respects; it provides maximum support for those bodies that do not adapt well and to those whole capacities decline with age. In other ways it is pretentious, assuming it can virtually substitute for the body’s healing powers and trying to maintain life and functioning beyond the time when death is normal.

Now, as the title proclaims, it’s the spirit that heals. The body has capacities and powers, but it is the spirit that activates and energizes these. Spirit is everlasting, so each spirit, no matter how undeveloped, knows it will continue, even if the earth body dies. What may be a life and death struggle for body is “not so” for the spirit. Yet when a spirit “enters into the competition” it may do much to stimulate healing and return to health in “its” body. In other words, when the spirit works with the body and mind, healing is maximum. When spirit is less involved healing is more random and less effective.

So you see that attempts to encourage healing that do not have at least some focus on the spirit are just much less effective than they would be with more spirit cooperation. The more developed a spirit is the more it joins in naturally, without encouragement. Less well developed spirits may need a lot of encouraging “invitations” to assist in the healing process.

Scientific medical techniques and procedures get much credit for healing that really results from the influence of spirit. Medicine “makes a difference,” but is not comparable to spirit in the total healing process. Yet spirit has no singular need to maintain the life of a particular body. Even a mature spirit may decide that “this is enough for this life. It’s time to move on.” Do you see how complex these interactions can be?

Remember the circumstance of your injured back and your painful leg?! I told you that one form of healing might be the acceptance of a permanent disability. The physical healing process may be limited. The body may not return to full functioning. Yet the spirit may heal completely, and the disabled one is healthier than many, whose bodies function better. Healing is a multi-faceted matter, with several different manifestations of full healing.

THURS., JULY 7, 1988, 5:56 AM

Healing is a natural process for any living organism (and that includes the earth). And yet healing is necessary because life is a struggle, sometimes gentle, sometimes desperate. Why? Because that was part of creation. The earth, as I created it, is an ecosystem so complex that complete understanding is impossible. A fundamental fact of this creation is competition and struggle, and, therefore, healing is essential.

I’ll concentrate, o son, on the human healing process, but understand, please, that this is part of a complex system of cause and effect . . .

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