It’s Still A “Mixed Life”

TUES., JAN. 23, 2001, 3:17 PM

Yes, o son, winter continues, and it now has been nearly two months since Our (I’ll call it thus, today) post-Thanksgiving walk in the woods. Your feet are healing, quite slowly and slower than your expectations, and they’re mostly comfortable… until the pain medication “wears off.”

As you re-read the Teachings I gave you shortly after the “hike” you are reminded that this was quite an unusual, unexpected few hours in your life, from which you still are recovering. It was, by human standards, a life-threatening time, but you emerged from it alive and well, except for your feet (and now… one ball and two heels). As your perspective becomes longer and deeper you should see it (and you do) more as a spiritual experience I offered to you. Oh, I didn’t initiate it, but I “took over” when I saw where you were and how challenging it would be to return home safely.

Remember that one of My basic Premises, with you, is that ANY event in an earth life… and, particularly yours… can have spiritual dimensions, and this one surely did. Now I’ll also add that even experiences that result in death of the body can have spiritual significance. For some people (not many, but some) the experience that results in bodily death can be quite a “memorable” one for this Spirit. For physical life, interesting and important as it may seem to you humans, is, in one sense, a competitor with your Spirit, for dominance in your attention. When the body (and this includes your brain) weakens, your spirit is ready to be dominant, once again. The “body” “fights back,” sometimes (as in this case, with you). You were injured but you clung to life, as it is, presently.

I did see this as a good “test” for your spirit. You could have “given in” and come across that night, but you didn’t… and I accepted that. It could have been “your time,” but I, Who, I remind you yet again, was with you in the whole “adventure,” saw that your spirit could benefit from more earth life… with the challenge of injured, painful feet.

Some aspects of your life, as I have told you have been planned, by Me and, partly, by your soul, before your conception and birth. For example, you are not here in this Farmhouse, with a fine education career behind you, “just by chance.” It was not “chance” that you went to Hawaii and met and eventually married Lenore. It was “chance” that your body reacted to several factors that Thanksgiving night and that you “went for a walk.” BUT… I, the Supreme Adaptor, let this happen, quite aware of both the dangers and the benefits that could come from it. I saw that it could be quite a worthwhile, memorable “journey,” so I let you go, but with some protection. It is not your time, yet, to “come across.”

Thus, your “mixed life” includes pain and disability… but also thankfulness that you still have more of this earth life to live. Your loss of vision (with no connection to this “night trek”) is bothersome, but you shall have enough visual capacity to continue these Teachings with Me… and that’s what’s important, to Me. You wonder how you can continue to live here, productively, on this Farm, with the losses that may persist. As I’ve told you, you may have to simplify some.. OR… you may succeed in the challenge to adapt what capacities you have to what is needed for good living here.

Let this experience be an everpresent reminder that this earth life, as Bob Russell, will be over, some day… So, be appreciative of opportunities for your spirit to grow. And let this most recent experience tell you that spirit can increase in power and influence in any earth happening… and this was a “good one” for such increase.

TUES., JAN. 23, 2001, 3:17 PM

Yes, o son, winter continues, and it now has been nearly two months since Our (I’ll call it thus, today) post-Thanksgiving walk in the woods. Your feet are healing, quite slowly and slower than your expectations, and they’re mostly comfortable… until the pain medication “wears off.”

As you re-read the Teachings I gave you shortly after the “hike” you are reminded that this was quite an unusual, unexpected few hours in your life, from which you still are recovering. It was, by human standards, a life-threatening . . .

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