It’s Still Real!

WED., SEPT. 22, 1999, 9:00 AM

Well, here you are again, o son, wielding this familiar pen on this special, tinted paper. You claim, when confronted… or in special circumstances… that the words you write are from Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. These form sentences, and these express ideas, observations, instructions, judgments, and… Truth. Is Truth the same for every human? Not… in My love for diversity. Yet your opportunity, in these last years of this earth life, is to hear Me and record these Teachings. You were a teacher who taught. You also were a professor who professed. Now you are a Learner, chosen by Me (and you know who I Am!) to have your life “enlivened” in this unique way.

Can you prove that all of this… these volumes of Teachings… is real, genuine… not just a product of your “imagination”? Of course not, for there is no accepted standard by which to judge them. Some of your more “rigid” fellow Christians (and, of course, this included son Michael and son Bob) would say that the official Holy Scriptures are the appropriate standard, but even the latest of the New Testament letters were composed and relevant to a culture now nearly 2,000 years back. I realize there will not likely be any other “official” Scriptures, but I have much to say about this present earth scene, and I have elected you to be this sort of a servant.

I have told you not to expect acclaim, and, actually, to expect some rejection of what We do together as “real.” Fortunately… you would agree… I’m not calling on you to “advertise” these Teachings, seeking attention, as the disciples did in the Acts story. I’m having fun. You’re being faithful. John Patrick is being faithful in another, more high tech, way… and that’s enough, thus far.

I am an oft-mentioned “force” in this Acts story. I get credit for much of what these disciples “accomplished” in establishing the early Christian church. That, too, was fun, helping to establish what has become quite a dominant religion in the earth today. Only a few disciples are mentioned as begin actively forthright, and the great synthesis of My “sojourn” with the Jews and My life and “career” as Jesus of Nazareth, Who, finally, was The Messiah, was preached by Stephen, a “deacon,” by your church’s “organization.” This joining together inflamed the Jewish leaders, and Stephen was stoned to death, giving his life in exchange for a final, ringing sermon. Was this real?

Yes, you might ask… “Who took notes on such a dramatic, dangerous resumé of the spiritual heritage of which they were an active part?” “Did Stephen actually say all of this?” How accurate are translations into modern American English?” Aha, the difference is that what is recorded as Stephen’s sermon is real, because it is official Holy Scripture, written, presumably by Luke, who doesn’t mention himself. These Teachings of Ours (for, yes, I Am “also” God Almighty and Jesus, the risen Christ) have no such “authority,” but they are Latter Day Truth… say I.

Your culture accepts much that is “mystical” if it can be “explained” scientifically. But many of these “explanations’ are quite “fuzzy.” You, presumably, have cancer, caused by some unmeasurable combination of hereditary predisposition and your body’s reaction to many (or particular) carcinogens, including radiation, which was not a factor in Biblical times. And you see it as mystical that radiation, a major “cause” of cancer is the hopefully effective treatment that you may elect… a killer of cancer cells.

WED., SEPT. 22, 1999, 9:00 AM

Well, here you are again, o son, wielding this familiar pen on this special, tinted paper. You claim, when confronted… or in special circumstances… that the words you write are from Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. These form sentences, and these express ideas, observations, instructions, judgments, and… Truth. Is Truth the same for every human? Not… in My love for diversity. Yet your opportunity, in these last years of this earth life, is to hear Me and record these Teachings. You were a teacher who taught. You also . . .

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