It’s Time For A Ruminations

SAT., JUNE 23, 1990, 6:27 AM

Yes, o son, your major teaching for the summer is over, save for the reading of finals, and now it its time for a Ruminations. I have suggested the theme, and I see no reason to change it. It is appropriate that your themes have a range, and it has been some time since you have composed one on a purely Christian theme. This one, as you know, will focus on Easter and Pentecost, two of the three important celebrations of the Christian year.

It is important that you study the relevant Scriptures for these two celebrations, as well as pull together several Teachings that give view points of Mine. Your readers are a diverse lot, and those who are avowedly Christian should profit from this coming Letter. Scripture should be important to them, even though it will not be to readers like Rick.

I’ll say again that this Ruminations publication, even as it not one that “counts” on your professional vitae, is the most important writing you do, after these Teachings themselves. I allow, even encourage, you to take portions from these offerings of Mine, the Holy Spirit, as the “data” upon which you comment. These typically blend together well in the form of a letter, one of My favorite forms of human communication. I am pleased with ones you have done, and this one should be no exception.

Easter is a strange but real gift to Christians. As Jesus, God in human form, I was put to death on a cross, which was the necessary prelude to Easter… in the way I chose to give the gift. I was “put to death,” but for this to be the proper celebration it must be accepted that I did this willingly… even made it happen. So, yes, this was close to suicide, and it is the reason I cannot condemn suicide in general. With the right motivations it can be a sacrifice akin to Mine. This is not often said, but I say it here.

Your creed says that I descended into hell… or to the dead. My spirit was busy during that time that My body was being buried. Then it came back to the body, which had not yet begun to decompose, and that body arose again from the dead. Your spirit shall rise from your body, when the corpus dies, but the body shall remain. You shall emulate My rather complete resurrection. Yet the actual body is of no real value after earth death, for you have a spiritual “body” that is everlasting and eternal… until you return, fully, into Me, the Holy Spirit.

Jesus had a body, but I, the Spirit, have none. The Scriptures suggest that I am like a mighty wind and like tongues of flame. As symbols these are fine, but not easy to relate to, personally. I simply am a true Spirit, and as you have become attuned to Me you “hear” Me as clearly as you hear “real people.”

Pentecost is the celebration of My “official presence” as Holy Spirit, and it is also quite appropriate to celebrate this as the birthday of the Church. Now Jesus and I share a Body, for His Christ spirit and My Spirit are one, as We are in the Father. In this sense, the Church as the Body of Christ, it is, by definition, at peace, in unity, and pure. This is its essence… its final reality. Oh, it is a human institution and part of the social scene, but this is definitely secondary. Know that ultimate reality is spiritual and mystical.

Do what you can to bring attention to Pentecost as an important celebration for the Church and for individual Christians. It need not be commercialized but it could become a more recognized part of Christian life. It comes at a usually wonderful time of year – late Spring / early Summer.

SAT., JUNE 23, 1990, 6:27 AM

Yes, o son, your major teaching for the summer is over, save for the reading of finals, and now it its time for a Ruminations. I have suggested the theme, and I see no reason to change it. It is appropriate that your themes have a range, and it has been some time since you have composed one on a purely Christian theme. This one, as you know, will focus on Easter and Pentecost, two of the three important celebrations of the Christian year.

It is important that you study the . . .

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