Jane’s Dilemma

SAT., JULY 27, 1996, 6:25 AM

Jane called last evening, and you hope you gave her some help with her dilemma. She was helped out of a depressive state by a move to a smaller house and by some friendly Christians who welcomed her into their fellowship… church and neighborhood. These are good folk, generally, but they are some of My more “fundamental” servants. Therein lies the dilemma. They want her as a friend and a fellow servant of Me, the Lord God, but she must believe pretty much as they do. Holy Scripture is basic, but certain Scriptures are the most fundamental, in their interpretation. And some of these seem to run counter to important feelings that Jane has about life, herself, and Me.

Jane’s dilemma, then, is… should she try to keep these friendships and relationships by ignoring the conflicts, focusing on the ways her and their perceptions of Me and My Church are similar to alike? This means she will have to “cover up” and deny her convictions… about some situations… like the gay foster parents. So here we are… on the downside of diversity again.

As I have told you often, I love diversity. I cause diversity. I allow diversity. And to complicate matters I allow My Holy Scriptures to be interpreted in ways that deny the value of diversity. “I am the Way”… there is no other… and, practically, that Way is defined and proscribed by certain Scriptures and certain interpretations. And human fellowships seem to be best when beliefs and practices are pretty much the same. And therefore to “protect” the fellowship, any with contrary beliefs, interpretations, and behaviors tend to be excluded. Jane doesn’t want to be excluded, but she wants to be true to her beliefs and interpretations. And you are partly responsible because some of these have come from or have been reinforced by Our Ruminations and My Teachings, shared with her by you.

Now you have to admit, to yourself and to her, that you have a dilemma quite similar to hers. For over 17 years now you have been hearing from Me, the Holy Spirit, and you have been writing down what you “hear” Me telling you. Thus, you have pages that are as tangible as Scripture. You wouldn’t remember accurately what I said to you 2 weeks ago, 2 months ago, 2 years ago if this were a “normal” meditation. But you have the “evidence”, and this makes you “different” from others in your congregation. Most of those who are aware of this “gift” generally keep it a secret. Others who hear about it really don’t want to know more.

The major difference in the two situations is that you are an old, established member of your congregational fellowship, one who has served in many ways and who continues to be a valuable member and contributor. You are not entirely comfortable with this gift… this mystical status, as I call it, but you want to stay in relationship with Me AND you want to remain an active member of the fellowship. So you choose to walk the tightrope between “rivals”.

Another difference is that your church is not “fundamental” in relation to inerrant Scripture. It would opt more toward grace, given freely by Me, as being more fundamental. Years ago it did away with heresy and is pretty inclusive. You just have to affirm that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior… and you’re not required to interpret that in any one way. Its strength is in diversity, but you do stretch that to an almost dangerous limit.

SAT., JULY 27, 1996, 6:25 AM

Jane called last evening, and you hope you gave her some help with her dilemma. She was helped out of a depressive state by a move to a smaller house and by some friendly Christians who welcomed her into their fellowship… church and neighborhood. These are good folk, generally, but they are some of My more “fundamental” servants. Therein lies the dilemma. They want her as a friend and a fellow servant of Me, the Lord God, but she must believe pretty much as they do. Holy Scripture is basic, but . . .

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