Jane’s Fears

FRI., SEPT. 16, 1994, 6:37 AM

This week you were offered an unusual and troubling opportunity. You listened to Jane, sounding much different than you remembered her sounding, and her explanation was a domination by fears. Your mission is not one of counseling, but you listened and responded rather well. Our relationship is not one in which I respond to “requests”, but you knew that I was interested…perhaps even was involved in encouraging the over-the-phone encounter.

Jane speaks of fears that are dominating her life, overcoming happiness and satisfaction in her position. She says that they still emanate from childhood experiences, remembrances that hurt and produce fears. Such experiences and remembrances… and fears… are the “downside” of earth life. Other realms have few if any such challenges to spirit. I realize this, but I see beyond the obvious circumstances of individual tragedies, and I allow such to continue.

The “battle”, of course, is between love and fear. I want love to overcome fear, and often it does. Yet fear can overcome love, and once it begins to dominate it resists the power of love. I can’t see the victory of love without some of the sadness that comes with fear as the “winner,” sometimes only temporarily.

Love has many forms, but basically it is a close connection with me, the Holy Spirit, the fount of love. I love. You feel it. Your response is love. Others feel it, and respond with love. You can speak of this from experience, for much of your life is thus. Your childhood and youth time produced no fears. Your marriage has included a few rocky times, but you both have accessed My love and have thus been able to love in ways that overcame the troubles.

You have experienced some fears in relation to your sons, and you still have a few. But you love them unconditionally, and this is a positive factor in their getting through times of trial. Your son Bob needs a letter of congratulation on overcoming the various fears, that seemed, at times, like a mountain. He knows My love, as well as that you and Lenore have for him… plus the love of Kathleen and his children. He shall have more trials, but he is stronger with each one in which love overcomes fear.

Jane wants the comfort and the power of this love, and I offer it to her. Her fears work against Me, and they are too often dominant. I could miraculously overcome them, and I won’t say that this won’t happen, but I want her to let love be the conquerer. This shall happen, but there are still rough times ahead. She just has to actually feel that I love her, that you love her, and that My love comes in many ways and through many persons.

FRI., SEPT. 16, 1994, 6:37 AM

This week you were offered an unusual and troubling opportunity. You listened to Jane, sounding much different than you remembered her sounding, and her explanation was a domination by fears. Your mission is not one of counseling, but you listened and responded rather well. Our relationship is not one in which I respond to “requests”, but you knew that I was interested…perhaps even was involved in encouraging the over-the-phone encounter.

Jane speaks of fears that are dominating her life, overcoming happiness and satisfaction in her position. She says . . .

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