Jars of Wine

FRIDAY, SEPT. 17, 1981, 5:43 AM

You have no great compelling need this morning, o son, and I have nothing urgent for you to consider, but you are here because you committed yourself to be, so let’s consider this theme. It shall range from the story told in your class yesterday to Theo’s class on John last Tuesday… and beyond (of course).

The story of the marriage at Cana tells of Me, as Jesus, providing wine for the continuation of the marriage celebration in a rather miraculous and excessive way. Large jars were filled with water and yet those who dipped from them perceived the drink as wine. Why did I do that? Fundamentally, all miracles are simply a display of the power of God to change a situation, usually from something undesirable to something desirable. This was such, though it was rather quiet and unobtrusive. Only a few appreciated that I had done a miraculous act, in the name and power of the Father God.

It was a generous act, symbolizing Our willingness to provide amply for the needs of people… yes, even wants. In a strict sense the people there did not need more wine. They certainly didn’t need all of those jars full of wine. Yet I provided beyond their needs and wants. That was an important symbol, and its truth remains to this day.

I provided it that the celebration might continue. Marriage is a fine, important institution, and it is proper to celebrate the occasion of a marriage. Wine can be a symbol for many things… in this case it was the symbol of celebration. I approved of the celebration. The symbol was spent. I was asked, in an indirect way, to provide more. And I did. It was plentiful and it was or recognizable high quality. The celebration continued. And, as I said, a few knew that the power of God had been manifested in that place.

Some certainly could have misused this gift. The fact that a gift is good and from Me does not guarantee that it never will be misused. This that We do together is a gift, and, in a sense, your volumes of written pages are “jars of wine”… once given they could be misused. The miracle is a matter of some changes, but most of the situation remains as it was.

FRIDAY, SEPT. 17, 1981, 5:43 AM

You have no great compelling need this morning, o son, and I have nothing urgent for you to consider, but you are here because you committed yourself to be, so let’s consider this theme. It shall range from the story told in your class yesterday to Theo’s class on John last Tuesday… and beyond (of course).

The story of the marriage at Cana tells of Me, as Jesus, providing wine for the continuation of the marriage celebration in a rather miraculous and excessive way. Large jars were filled . . .

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