
WED., FEB. 19, 1986, 7:19 AM

I called you to a reading of one of My old prophets during your trip home from the East. You responded as you should have, and it is good for both of Us to know that this method still works. Since you are not a regular reader of Scripture (except for the weekly sermon texts) I still may need to use this means from time to time, to teach you from these most Special Writings.

You are “plowing through” Jeremiah, as you promised, and you wonder why (you also doubt that a complete Teaching can develop from this title.) Well, I want you to experience an attitude of Mine that you seldom experience as I speak directly to you. It seems as though the Lord who is speaking to and through Jeremiah is a different Lord from the one Who guides your pen. I just need to tell you, “Not so.” I have a wide range of ways to work in the lives of humans, and I use them all… still… in this day.

As you know, this culture of the Jews in this Old Testament time was quite different from the culture you are in now. Neither is better or worse than the other. They are… were… simply different. One major aspect of this was their identity as a people, stronger than their identity as individuals. I had delivered them, as a people and nation-to-be, without winnowing out those who individually were not worthy. In Jeremiah’s time I saw again this people, I saw their abominations, and I threatened them with destruction. Yes, there were some individuals who pleased Me with the love of their hearts and the work of their hands. Couldn’t they be saved and excluded from the punishment I declared? Not if they were to remain as part of the people, and without this identification their lives would have no real meaning.

These differences “make sense” when you know that the purpose of earth life is to grow in spirit, and that this growth can occur in any human circumstance. A person may not be in just the right one for best growth in an earthly life, but, lo, the imperfect one does bring forth growth. When you are part of a people, you may be punished for actions for which you were not responsible, but you also may be rewarded when your individual actions or motivations did not warrant such acceptance. Growing in spirit in such a culture is just different from the same opportunity in yours.

You Americans are not really “a people,” like unto the Jews of Jeremiah’s time. If I treated you as one people I would cry out in like fashion, for the majority do not acknowledge Me in their daily lives, do not read and know My Scriptures, and do not live peaceably, electing a government that shall seek peace and share resources. As a people you are successful, but selfish. You acknowledge Me in a token way. I have offered an “easy way”… acceptance of Me as the Christ and of the forgiveness My sacrifice brings… and few among you truly accept. You do, sincerely, at times, and at other times you turn away from relationship with Me. Must I always be patient and forgiving? Not a bit of it!

Patience and kindness can make for spiritual growth. They can also prevent such growth, that can come better under punishment and pain. You can imagine and envision tragedies that could come into your life. You have been spared all but a very few of these. Yet a tragedy could bring growth that would be hard to attain in your present, comfortable life. If such should come, welcome it on such a basis. If you continue to be spared, do what you can to live in ways that promote spirit.

Though I have you remain as a functioning professional I call on you to devote your major energies to tasks which have a spiritual content, even as they may appear to be wholly professional. I do not threaten you, and I do not call you to threaten your associates with My vengeance. I do call you to live as selflessly as you can, without being self-conscious, being aware and appreciative of My ever-presence.

Finish Jeremiah, not out of duty but out of appreciation. If you do not, you and your family will be destroyed, saith the Lord. How does that sound?

8:17 AM