Jeremiah… And Today

WED., APR. 14, 1999, 8:55 AM

Jeremiah was chosen by Me, the Triune God (for I was such even then), before he was born. I don’t often do this, but I certainly can… and, in this case, I did. He was chosen… elected… for a purpose – to warn the people of Judah that I was not pleased with their spiritual life (and lives)… that they were moving away from allegiance to and dependence on Me. This was not an easy job, but, thinking positively, it did “earn” him the longest book in the Bible.

You were not chosen before your birth, though, as you increasingly know, I was guiding you, to some extent, as a youth. You had some guidance from Me as you went through schooling… and your War… coming out as a health educator. I didn’t hassle you during your early university employment and your child-rearing times. I was encouraging you to write, for I did want you to have some developed skill when the time for your calling did come.

Then, by the time you had tenure and status and courses that each allowed (even called for) some consideration of spirit as a dimension of health, I did call you to this opportunity to hear Me, and, through the means of these Teachings, let a few others hear how I am not seeing this earth realm. You have shied away from “announcing” this calling in ways other than a paragraph or two in each of Our Ruminations, and I haven’t objected to this “low key” way of being My servant. So… I am not calling you in the urgent way I called Jeremiah… some 2,600 years ago. Whew! how time does fly!

I have given you the “message” that I am concerned about the health of this earth realm. This involves an increasing human population, increased manufacturing (with waste accumulation… everything still has to “go somewhere”!), and increased “standard of living.” There was a clash with newcomer Nell this morning, and you stood your ground properly.

The interesting difference between this “message” and the one I had Jeremiah bring is that I don’t seem to be seen as a “participant” by either “side”. Those who warn of the dangers to the web of life use scientifically based predictions as their “source of truth.” There is little acknowledgment that I am involved or concerned in any way. Those who tout growth as necessary for increased human well-being and technology as having the necessary answers and means to “solve problems” “enlist” Me even less.

In a way, Lester Brown and the World Watch staff is (are) more of a Jeremiah than you are… but not acknowledging that I have anything to do with the developing situation… or with answers thereto.

It is true that there is an eerie likeness in the descriptors of inhumanity among enemies or rivals in that time and place and in the present situation in Kosovo. One difference, of course, is that “your side” can inflict much damage to necessary infrastructure, fuel, and arms, from the air, with the cost being in planes, bombs, and missiles rather than in human lives.

Am I “using” the Christian Serbs to “cleanse” what they consider to be “their land” of Moslem Albanians? Did I “use” the Croats to punish the Serbs a few years ago? If I want peace for this region can I “arrange” such? What will constitute peace in that region of My earth? Are your country’s explosives being used to further My cause? Can you bomb people into peace?

Jeremiah reminds you that conflicts such as this present one have been evident for much of recorded history. But also there is the reminder that… “While on the banks…” While the major “news” is of this conflict, in most of the world people are going about their sometimes unexciting lives, yet enjoying relative peace, not much touched by strife.

WED., APR. 14, 1999, 8:55 AM

Jeremiah was chosen by Me, the Triune God (for I was such even then), before he was born. I don’t often do this, but I certainly can… and, in this case, I did. He was chosen… elected… for a purpose – to warn the people of Judah that I was not pleased with their spiritual life (and lives)… that they were moving away from allegiance to and dependence on Me. This was not an easy job, but, thinking positively, it did “earn” him the longest book in the Bible.

You were . . .

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