“Jeremiah’s God”

WED., APR. 21, 1999, 8:40 AM

Another morning with Jeremiah and the “Me” that came to him. It is difficult to decide and know how God, as Jeremiah experienced Me, is like and unlike the God of you Presbyterians… and God, as I have come to you, personally. Jeremiah clearly heard Me, as clearly as you do, and what he heard was written down, several thousand years ago… and became part of Holy Scripture, both for Jews and Christians.

The major point to emphasize this morning is that I, in My several “Forms” can never be limited. Yes… Never. I have told you often that I “work” when, where, how, and with whom I choose. I need not be consistent, however important that seems in human affairs. Example: you are reasonably consistent, but you adopt to situations, acting somewhat differently with small granddaughters than with graduate students… speaking differently in this church setting than when talking with Lenore about these Teachings… and…

If you, who have to function in a rather small range of situations, that are not grossly different, have to adapt words and actions… even values… then imagine, if you can, what I must do, in the diverse world I have created… and let develop – this realm called Earth.

You note that “Jeremiah’s God” was demanding, “one way,” easily angered (or so it seemed), and punitive (or at least a “creative threatener”). I was quite willing to wipe out a people, even one I loved and chose, if they didn’t obey Me perfectly. But then, as you added, I later came as Jesus, living a gentle life (except for the money changers), submitted to unjust crucifixion, My death being a symbolic atonement for your sins, as well as those of countless others.

You accept this sacrifice, this “ultimate welfare,” but you see how it clashes with “Jeremiah’s God” and with your culture’s value on responsibility and justice. Yet because you know you, and many others, are not limited to one earth life, on a Pass/Fail basis, you are not much concerned with “final judgment,” leading either to heaven or to hell.

And… further… you see that here is a mystical relationship between your actions, even your thoughts, and the closeness of your spirit to Me, Holy Spirit. No… there is no logic to this… no way of determining, exactly, which is more important. I’ll just say, as you would expect, that as you recognize, value, and are guided by your spirit you come ever closer to one who just accepts My “offer” of salvation. You are “saved,” but your spirit may need more strengthening and broadening experiences so that, finally (outside of time as you accept it, here on earth) ( 9:15 / 9:29 ) you just completely and “happily” give up the earth life scene and return to Me.

It isn’t that I was a “better God” as I related to Jeremiah… or a “worse one.” I was different as I manifested Myself as Jesus, a young Jewish man, in a Middle East culture, something like 2,000 years ago. I am even more different as I come to you, as Holy Spirit, offering these frequent Teachings. And I am different, still, to the minority Kosavars… and to the “ethnic Albanians.”

You asked, this morning, how I could be involved in this Kosovo situation… and there was no easy, clear response. Am I “using” one group to punish another? I obviously could prevent all of this upset; it accelerates, so I must be responsible, for some, probably mystical, reasons. Am I coming forth again, these several thousand years later, as One guiding these Balkan actions… or am I just “letting it happen,” however it turns out?

WED., APR. 21, 1999, 8:40 AM

Another morning with Jeremiah and the “Me” that came to him. It is difficult to decide and know how God, as Jeremiah experienced Me, is like and unlike the God of you Presbyterians… and God, as I have come to you, personally. Jeremiah clearly heard Me, as clearly as you do, and what he heard was written down, several thousand years ago… and became part of Holy Scripture, both for Jews and Christians.

The major point to emphasize this morning is that I, in My several “Forms” can never be limited . . .

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