Jeremiah’s Over… Finally

WED., MAY 19, 1999, 8:33 AM
A.S.C., F.P.C.

Your group’s long experience with Jeremiah is now over, and you now shall “jump” nearly 700 years and consider the more “Christian” relationship between Paul and Timothy. It shall be a small challenge (not a pizza!) to seek likenesses and differences between Me as Yahweh and Me as Jesus and Holy Spirit.

You’ve seen that as evidenced in the prophesies of Jeremiah that I was a demanding God, Who seemed, surely, to believe in the ultimate value of punishment. And one oft-reported punishment was death. Yet, is death a punishment? Was it them, more so than now?

I tell you, repeatedly, that death is just movement from one state of being (and a rather limited one) to another, where perspectives are usually much wider and deeper. The girl at Columbine High who made a statement of faith and was killed, presumably for this is one who experienced the beauty of the “reentry” experience. Jeremiah was ready to die for the unpopular prophesies I had him deliver, but this wasn’t as necessary as his continued speaking for Me. Do I use people in a vast variety of ways? Of course. Some I compel, against their wills. Others feel some compulsion, but realize they can choose. Still others choose My way, voluntarily, without “pressure” from Me. And, finally, some resist any attraction to Me, and live life apart from My influence. But then, finally, there is bodily death, and, again, “The other side” continues to be quite varied, to “accommodate” the diversity of My human creations.

You are thankful that you have not been called to be a prophet, in the “line of Jeremiah.” If this were your calling you would have to proclaim that My increasing concern is for the continued health of this small planet, Earth. I still have a love for you humans, but your continued increase is unsustainable (from My Holy ecological vantage point), and your use of resources, particularly in your presumably Christian culture, is increasingly excessive. I couldn’t have said this in Holy Scripture. I am saying it now.

I still have My “Big Three” as natural means of encouraging more simplicity in living: war, pestilence, and famine. (The latter now includes lack of water, for direct consumption or for the production of food.) You have had no direct experience with lack of food and water; perhaps you never will, but an increasing number each year feel the pangs of hunger and have no means to help themselves. Help from the more fortunate portion of humankind is necessary… and usually appreciated, but finally there must be a more natural balancing.

I allow a few small wars, most of the time. Many of these have some ennobling purposes, but, again, these can affect the balances of life. In “today’s wars,” unfortunately, the destruction of the “means of life” – buildings, roads, bridges, fields – is often of more concern to Me than actual human deaths. Rebuilding is often more difficult now, and more “costly” to the environment than in Jeremiah’s time.

The “New Covenant” that I promised, through Jeremiah, was an important one… in that it indicated I could be in the souls of people, urging them to service for Me. Was it successful? Well, again, the diversity of My Creation just wouldn’t “allow” the kind of “one-way” response that I “seemed to want.”

Hear one ringing affirmation, however: I still have ultimate Power in this earth scene. When this doesn’t seem to be evident – in Jeremiah’s era or this one… or on into the future – just see it as My choices, not My weakness or incapacity. Nothing happens here that I don’t cause OR allow. I am fully aware of you humans and of your diversity. If I truly don’t like some developing condition (like unto these I’ve mentioned) I can change it, quickly or slowly. Yet I also foresee consequences, which may be worse than the “offending condition.”

WED., MAY 19, 1999, 8:33 AM
A.S.C., F.P.C.

Your group’s long experience with Jeremiah is now over, and you now shall “jump” nearly 700 years and consider the more “Christian” relationship between Paul and Timothy. It shall be a small challenge (not a pizza!) to seek likenesses and differences between Me as Yahweh and Me as Jesus and Holy Spirit.

You’ve seen that as evidenced in the prophesies of Jeremiah that I was a demanding God, Who seemed, surely, to believe in the ultimate value of punishment. And one oft-reported punishment was . . .

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