Jesus Ala Luke

WED., FEB. 4, 1998, 8:40 AM

The study and discussion of My life as the active embodied Jesus, as told by Luke, goes on, with good fellowship. There is much to ponder, even as this is far from a new story for you. Let Me, Holy Spirit (Who was there, certainly) raise some issues and even answer some questions. Remember, always, that I am not bound by either/or thinking… and this is just a way to think, rather than ultimate reality.

First questions: did I know how short My earth life was to be? Luke certainly implies that I did… and I did, with this qualification. As I came into the earth as the baby Jesus I obviously had to put aside much of the knowledge that I had “from the beginning”. We, all Three, were disembodied, and were much more One than Three. Then, at some point, We decided I, as Jesus, should have some time in the earth, in a human body.

Since I, as Almighty God, had a fairly long relationship with the Jewish people We decided to incarnate in their midst. Did We know that, finally, they would reject Me as their expected Messiah and that My claiming this identity would be the reason for My crucifixion? Of course, but that was a “role” that the Jews would play. I didn’t reject them because of this “role”, and I still honor their faithfulness to Me, when it is demonstrated.

As I was in human form, as Jesus, I gave up some of My “universal knowledge”. Yet I still knew that I had been “from the beginning”, that this earth life was a unique experience, but that I, the Spirit of Jesus, was indestructible. My body could be killed, but I would continue. I also knew that I would not be accepted as the Jewish Messiah, and that My restored Body, the Church, would be Gentile, with great variation in skin color, body build, and culture.

As I could look ahead I also knew that Holy Scriptures would be important, even essential. The Jews had much Scripture that I had given them, in various ways, through the years. But there had to be Gospels… and not one but at least four, telling My story in different ways. I, as Holy Spirit, even picked Luke, a Gentile who had not been with Me, as Jesus, to be one of the Gospel writers. There is much content in this Gospel, as you are aware, but it is much more a collection of stories than it is an accurate chronological account of My life.

You encountered, today, the apparent conflict between “he who is not against Me is for Me” and “he who is not for Me is against Me”. I say that, rather than being in conflict, these represent two different ways in which I was, am, and shall be perceived. On the one hand, there are many who are not against Me, as Jesus, the Christ. They don’t know much about Me… can’t quote much Scripture (accurately), and don’t care much about what I claim to represent. Yet they do not deny Me. They are lukewarm to cool. So I accept their non-denial as acceptance. The gate is wide and open.

On the other hand I can narrow the gate and open it only to those who rather avidly come to Me and declare themselves to be “for Me”. The others are judged to be against Me and therefore lost (for now). Both have Truth. I can be loving and forgiving… and I can be harsh, judgmental, and cruel.

Consider the earth scene today. What sort of a “place” is it? There is much media focus on death, destruction, and cruelty. I both cause and allow this and these. But I see much more love, compassion, caring, and constructive living. Both are reality… today and every day.

Night before last you were in pain and slept very little. Last night you slept comfortably. Both should be seen as spiritual experiences… even tests. You spent several years, happily, in a spacious, bright office. Now you are in a much smaller one, and it becomes more comfortable each day.

WED., FEB. 4, 1998, 8:40 AM

The study and discussion of My life as the active embodied Jesus, as told by Luke, goes on, with good fellowship. There is much to ponder, even as this is far from a new story for you. Let Me, Holy Spirit (Who was there, certainly) raise some issues and even answer some questions. Remember, always, that I am not bound by either/or thinking… and this is just a way to think, rather than ultimate reality.

First questions: did I know how short My earth life was to be? Luke . . .

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