Jesus, Lazarus, And “Death”

WED., MAR. 26, 1997, 8:35 AM

It is the Week called Holy, the week that is to remind you of My “death”, as Jesus, leading to the resurrection and the assurance that life continues. This morning you also considered the brief story of My bringing My friend Lazarus back to life. In one way this was a dramatic prelude to My own resurrection. In another it was a way to help insure that I would be crucified, so that I could mystically return and be a tangible testimony to the continuation of life.

Your previous focuses of study should have assured you that I, as Jesus, knew that, after this rather short preaching and teaching ministry, I had to die and then return. You are certainly aware that the Gospels generally agree that My teaching about this coming death just did not seem to “come across” to the disciples. So, finally, it was time to stop talking and teach by action.

Direct suicide… taking My own life (like leaping off of the temple roof as I was “tempted” to do early in My ministry)… was not the way. I had to get the Jews to demand My death. Now this is one beautiful example of the mystical nature of Christianity. There is no logical, rational reason why I, as the gentle Christ, preaching and teaching about loving one another, should want to goad the Jews into calling for My crucifixion. They were My people. I was one of them. Yet that was the way it was “supposed to be”. Faith is necessary, ‘cause “it don’t make sense”.

Let’s go back to the Lazarus story. As Jesus I was told that My friend Lazarus was dying. I knew this, of course, for it was a part of the “plan” (we were “working” together – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) I had performed a few “miracles” in My ministry, but just enough to attract attention (no television coverage in that time, remember)… in demonstrating the power of God to change the “natural order” of life and things. It was now time for a real miracle, and Lazarus was a “helper” in this.

I waited until he was clearly dead and buried, so there would be no feeling that it was just an early “near death experience”. I felt many emotions, and several of these were recorded. Yet I also couldn’t but feel My true, underlying nature, which was ever-living… from the beginning and ever shall Be. I called him from the tomb, and he came out, apparently without odor and deterioration. (This was part of the plan.)

Many of the Jews that were present experienced, personally, this obvious miracle. I simply called, and he rose and came out. I appeared to be a genuine Messiah. If I could do that, think what I could do to and with Roman oppressors! The Jews had no clear concept of how permanent or impermanent death was, so these who saw and heard succumbed to the “lesson”.

But, as Jesus and as the assisting Spirit, I knew that many of the leaders who had not had this experience would be energized to get rid of Me. I was a threat. I had seduced some of their number. What might I do next? And I see this still today… putting down others in defense of some belief… refusing to accept that I, the Triune God, am present and current, as well as past. And yet I still had to continue “manipulating” to have My death take place just before the Sabbath and after the Passover.

With Lazarus as My “visual aid” (the Scriptures record no marvelous testimony from him), I showed that death can be overcome. Then followed My own “death”, with burial (for at least 40 hours), and then resurrection!… Ta Dah!… back again. I even instituted a “substitute” communion service, after the resurrection, of bread and fish. I was around long enough, and in different settings, to show that life continues, even in spiritual body form. (I allow this to happen, occasionally now… like with Gary… but earth life is meant to be generally rational and pragmatic.)

WED., MAR. 26, 1997, 8:35 AM

It is the Week called Holy, the week that is to remind you of My “death”, as Jesus, leading to the resurrection and the assurance that life continues. This morning you also considered the brief story of My bringing My friend Lazarus back to life. In one way this was a dramatic prelude to My own resurrection. In another it was a way to help insure that I would be crucified, so that I could mystically return and be a tangible testimony to the continuation of life.

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