Jesus… On TV

FRI., MAY 19, 2000, 6:31 AM

In a two-part, 4 hour program, My life, as Jesus, was portrayed this week on television. Shouldn’t I, as Jesus, as Father God, and as Holy Spirit, have some comment on this latest attempt, by the media, to tell My story? I should and I do.

As you know, there are four Gospel accounts of My life as Jesus, with some likenesses and some differences. In some obscure ways I am “predicted” in some Old Testament passages, and the rest of the New Testament, mostly by Paul, tells of Me and begins to “form” a new religion. (You certainly aren’t very attentive this cloudy, warm morning. I do have a Teaching for you.) Thus, even in four hours, with commercials, of course, I cannot be fully portrayed. Yet… I am not displeased.

I, Holy Spirit, guided each Gospel writer, and all editors, later, and translators, so you now have official Holy Scripture. Jesus was another attempt to use the medium of film on television to tell this old… but still new… story. It never can be “complete”, because it “was” before My “life” as Jesus, and continues this day and will, forever. That’s the mystical reality.

In a film of somewhat less than four hours all that I was, in that specific setting, could not be portrayed in the fullness that “was”. But I am not being critical. It was a portrayal worth watching, to add to your appreciation of Me, your Triune God.

I was born of a Jewish mother and grew up as a Jewish boy… into a Jewish man… in Jewish culture. And then I’ll say that I was fathered by Me, Holy Spirit, Who has no racial or ethnic identity. Yes, it is a strange story, of My coming as God, in a human form, to a people who expected Me… but then rejected Me. This rejection turned into crucifixion, but this became sacrificial death, with resurrection following.

I now have three ways in which I can, and do, come to you humans. I can come as Almighty God, Who is also God the Father – mighty, but also gently loving. I can come as Jesus, Who was in the earth (though you do wonder how I would be if I were to come again as a contemporary human. Would I be rejected again, this time by Christians? Don’t expect Me… soon.) And I can come as Holy Spirit, described as a dove, as wind, and as fire (People in New Mexico would prefer Me as a dove!) I come to you as Holy Spirit, but, as you are aware, I can and do speak as “any One of Us”. You’ve accepted this “aspect” of Me rather well.

I was popular, then, and I would be popular, now. I was perceived as a threat, then, and it would be the same, now. Some who love Me, as a God/man 2,000 years ago, would not accept Me, in a modern version. And isn’t it interesting that satan was portrayed, in dress and in “hair style”, as a man of this time!?

I liked the attempt to portray Me as having fun in this short life. I did, and, as Holy Spirit, I certainly enjoy what I do. I was basically quiet and gentle, but you do wonder how I could be heard by 5,000 people on a hillside. That was a miracle, not identified, in this day of voice amplification.

You have wondered, often, in your life, if My sacrifice, of My life as Jesus, was really necessary. You see that Billy Graham still is effective, as a preacher and follower of Mine, at a rather advanced age. Wouldn’t I have been, even better, if I had decided to have a 40+ year time here in the earth? Or did I give up My earth form at “just the right time”?

FRI., MAY 19, 2000, 6:31 AM

In a two-part, 4 hour program, My life, as Jesus, was portrayed this week on television. Shouldn’t I, as Jesus, as Father God, and as Holy Spirit, have some comment on this latest attempt, by the media, to tell My story? I should and I do.

As you know, there are four Gospel accounts of My life as Jesus, with some likenesses and some differences. In some obscure ways I am “predicted” in some Old Testament passages, and the rest of the New Testament, mostly by Paul, tells of . . .

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