Jesus, The Way

APR. 4, 1981, 6:43 AM

You are not hearing well this morning, o son. Relax your mind and let your spirit be the guide. Hear My words about The Way… My life as Jesus. Some of what I say shall be predictable, certainly, but some you shall find quite surprising. Hear Me as the rain comes gently down and the new leaves on the trees say that Spring is truly your season now.

I have manifested Myself in many different ways to those of you in the earth… and many more ways in the truly spiritual realms of being. And know, at the outset, that all possible manifestations have not been experienced. With the wide variety of souls and minds that have been here in the earth, and that are now inhabiting here it is necessary that manifestations of Me be varied enough to touch each, in some way.

But Jesus was, and is, one of the most helpful manifestations. (I can speak in first person, as Jesus, or in third person, about Him. Each has merit. I shall not be consistent.) Some Christians will be bothered by the phrase “one of the most.” But I have trouble describing My manifestations in Western thought patterns and the English language. If I said “the most helpful” or THE WAY, as I did above, it could mean that other ways are inferior… and the notion that any manifestation of God Almighty is an inferior one is not quite acceptable. My manifestations are different, not good, better, best… not superior, inferior. In Western thought there is a need to rank order things and honor the top more than those under. I respect this pattern, and Christianity, as developed, does this with Me, as Jesus. You need to think in this way and hold this conception. But also, you can be aware and appreciate that I cannot be limited by this way of thinking and by this manifestation.

As Jesus I was most human… and I was wholly manifested in that human form. But was I nowhere else, in no other manifestations? Of course not. As Jesus I am The Way… and, at the same time, there are many other manifestations of Me. This that We are doing now, for example. You know, from experience, that these teachings are more relevant to you than the vast majority of Scripture and other Bible teaching. I bring you insights on your work, your family, the earth, the church, your disability… almost everything important to you. And this is superior to the Scriptures… yet I tell you it is not. So, likewise, you can know and believe that Jesus is The Way… and yet know that I may manifest Myself in new, different, and “better” ways.

APR. 4, 1981, 6:43 AM

You are not hearing well this morning, o son. Relax your mind and let your spirit be the guide. Hear My words about The Way… My life as Jesus. Some of what I say shall be predictable, certainly, but some you shall find quite surprising. Hear Me as the rain comes gently down and the new leaves on the trees say that Spring is truly your season now.

I have manifested Myself in many different ways to those of you in the earth… and many more ways in the truly spiritual . . .

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