
FRI., FEB. 19, 1988, 6:22 AM

The story of Job is an important piece of Holy Scripture. Was there actually a Job, and did all of this happen to him in a particular year, in a particular place? Part of the mystical nature of Scripture allows this to be an irrelevant question. It is truth, and it just is not pertinent to ask whether it is or is not “fact”.

The story of Job concerns a “struggle” between God and satan, the evil force. The story just assumes there is a satan, and that he is a talking, active force quite comparable to God. Much speculation has occurred over the years as to how and why such a force is present in the earth… and has been present since the Garden of Eden. There has to be reluctant acceptance that I created this force, but the answer to how he or she acquired such power is definitely misty.

I shall be consistent with previous Teachings to you, o son, and affirm that I, as the Almighty Creator God, did create the force of satan as evil in the earth. The purpose? To be a special encourager of spiritual growth. In Job’s case the opportunity was to test Job’s spiritual maturity, with many painful trials. There are other realms where there is no satanic force, and these allow some spirits to grow, but others need the challenge of opposition to good living, even severe opposition.

It is interesting, isn’t it, that while there is some concern about God’s being male only (and not female), there is not comparable concern as to satan’s gender. Well, again, this simply is not relevant. Each human is some part male and some part female, but most have a definitely dominant sex. Not so with Me… or with the satanic force. We are the perfect balance of male and female that is simply “no gender.”

In Job’s story satan questioned the faith and spiritual strength of Job, and I, as God, agreed to the text. Anything short of death was allowed, for, obviously, causing Job’s death would serve no purpose in the test. Job was a righteous man, with the accumulation of influence and property that “should go” with righteousness. The evidences of his righteousness were stripped away, by means as natural as possible, one by one, so that only Job remained, with no tangible evidence that I, as God, welcomed his faith and spiritual maturity. In the earth, this is a severe test.

The Job story continues to this day, in many diverse versions. I am called on for help, but I let the forces of “evil” operate, and some tragedy ensues for the one who prays. More prayer. Still no saving answer. The spirit is sorely tested. Some turn away in despair. Some reject Me and curse My name. (Yet I know that for many of such this is a necessary step back toward Me.) Those who do well on the test conclude, as Job did, that there simply is no better place to turn. Even in despair there is no turning away from Me, for I Am, wherever you turn.

This is the mature spiritual outlook that fits very poorly in the culture of which you are a part. Generally, I am acknowledged… and as having some power, but not much that I actually use. Against the forces of nature, culture, and evil I am not much. Pray, but don’t expect much. If you are “with Job”, however, you realize that somehow in the tests of life I am always fully involved. I am pulling for you, even as I allow challenges galore to your faith. Those with the strongest spirits simply recognize the evil occurrences as evidences of Me, even seeking such that they might progress toward Me.

FRI., FEB. 19, 1988, 6:22 AM

The story of Job is an important piece of Holy Scripture. Was there actually a Job, and did all of this happen to him in a particular year, in a particular place? Part of the mystical nature of Scripture allows this to be an irrelevant question. It is truth, and it just is not pertinent to ask whether it is or is not “fact”.

The story of Job concerns a “struggle” between God and satan, the evil force. The story just assumes there is a satan, and that he is a . . .

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