
THURS., DEC. 30, 1982, 5:54 AM

The economic news of this day nearly always includes some comment on unemployment or joblessness, and, again, neither of these terms is to be found in the Holy Scriptures. In some ways the economic situation was like unto this one… there were some who were rich, there were many who worked at the tasks of the day, and there were the poor, particularly widows and orphans. In addition, there were slaves, comparable in some ways to tools and machinery. When things had to be built or menial jobs done, forced labor seemed reasonable. There were no diatribes against this practice in the Scriptures, for there was no reasonable alternative to the need to provide the requirements and the luxuries of that time.

Now there is no slavery in your land, and jobs are done by people for some reward. The work of your world is organized into jobs, and for doing these, people are paid. And your economy develops from there. But what about joblessness? Hear as I speak on this theme, o son.

Most fundamentally, for the person of developed spirit, the person committed to Me, there can never be joblessness. There may be unemployment. There may be no pay. There may be no valued place or niche in the economic system. Yet the person of spirit creates a job or jobs… serving in ways that shall be beneficial to those in some kind of need. When you give to and for others there is usually some reciprocal giving. And if a person is serving in My Name I have My ways to see that the servants’ needs are met.

There is always work to be done. The person of spirit recognizes this and is empowered, particularly by a relationship with Me, to do some job… which may then create employment. If not, the job is done, nevertheless, and others are benefitted. For the person of spirit there truly can be no such phenomenon as joblessness. Service of some kind is always needed. Development of spirit means that one sees clearly these needs… and has the inner motivations to meet them.

My “system” does not always appear to work perfectly. (It does, of course, by definition… because it is Mine.) There are always instances of people who are servants of Mine who, despite their service and good deeds do suffer privations. Others do not provide as they should, and the righteous suffer. Still, there is karma that must be considered, from this life or another. An example of karma from this life is a woman who suffers because of divorce, but whose actions and attitudes were part of the cause of that divorce. If she had been less selfish and more giving the marriage relationship might have grown rather than deteriorated.

And, for some, the circumstances of this life are a result of selfishness or sloth in another earth life. Part of My justice is that such acts and attitudes do not go unnoticed… that one can’t “get away” with such a life, even though it seems to bring immediate reward. Part of My mercy is shown forth in opportunities to continue life again in the earth, in a situation of economic suffering. Know, of course, that earth life is a real test, and not all do well with it, even when their motivations are high and noble.

THURS., DEC. 30, 1982, 5:54 AM

The economic news of this day nearly always includes some comment on unemployment or joblessness, and, again, neither of these terms is to be found in the Holy Scriptures. In some ways the economic situation was like unto this one… there were some who were rich, there were many who worked at the tasks of the day, and there were the poor, particularly widows and orphans. In addition, there were slaves, comparable in some ways to tools and machinery. When things had to be built or menial jobs done . . .

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