John Isaac, II

WED., MAR. 29, 2000, 8:45 AM

Yes, o son, I shall guide you this day (or evening) in finding some Teachings which could be helpful to this littlest grandson, John Isaac, sometime after you have moved on back to the spirit realm, best for you. He is the 5th in a “line” of Russell males with whom you are personally acquainted. You knew your grandfather, who, as far as you know, was the first John Isaac. Then your Dad, Ralph, was the youngest of John’s three sons. You were the only son of Ralph. John Patrick is the third and middle son, of your five, and John Isaac is the only son of John Patrick… a young lad “blessed” with six older sisters.

He, this youngest “Russell man,” is a special gift to his parents… and to this earth scene of over 6 billion humans. How can this have any importance, given this “horde” of humans that I view, constantly. Oh, I do see some die and move on to spirit life of some sort, but I also see even more being born, so I am not pleased with the increasing numbers… but… this Teaching relates to a rather special young “descendant” of yours, this latest John Isaac.

The earth scene in which he shall grow up and strive to contribute to shall be more complex than this century that has been “yours.” There shall continue to be movements for more equality, but, nevertheless, the “stratification” of humans will continue, and the range of capacities to adapt will increase. Yet this youngest heir of yours will adapt well, mostly, and shall make some good contributions to “his world.” It is not yet determined how such contributions will be made or what they will be. Even humans whom I choose to guide still have some “free” will, but, as in your case, I let some develop as they will, so that their service to Me shall be of greater “earth value.”

As I have told you, I watched you develop, and I guided you, some, into teaching… then to the university, and, finally, to be a life long learner under My direction. Your son, John Patrick, was not an easy child and youth to live with, but you remember, in one of those “encounters” with him some years ago, that he said, “Well, you know that I chose you, and you chose me!” In these latter years of your life he has become that most beloved son… living close with his wonderful family and being close to you, spiritually.

Now he has a small son, to love, guide, and bond with. Did the spirit, in the soul of this young lad, choose this family and this John to be his earthly father (this time?)? You shall probably not live long enough to verify such a “destiny,” but you may be able, as disembodied spirit, to know how this all works out.

Son John Patrick is taking more opportunity to get to know you, spiritually, as his Dad, much more so that you did, with your Dad. You realize that you started too late in his life, and you weren’t direct enough. Your Dad did appreciate, in his limited way, these Teachings and the relationship they represent, but neither of you could persist in getting to know each other, spiritually. You are pleased that your son is learning from and about you (and Me), and you consider it probable that he shall do better with his small John than you did with him or than was the case with you and your Dad.

Yes, o son, this small, young John Isaac has “propelled” himself into an environment in which he can grow spiritually and contribute to growth in others. Yet remember that you, his grand pa, had many years of “development” before I called you, and you responded, as you should have. And… John Patrick, his father, had to have a number of life experiences before he came to accept his “chosenness.” This is all part of a “longer” process (much of it outside of time), so I, Holy Spirit, am only rarely “in a hurry.”

WED., MAR. 29, 2000, 8:45 AM

Yes, o son, I shall guide you this day (or evening) in finding some Teachings which could be helpful to this littlest grandson, John Isaac, sometime after you have moved on back to the spirit realm, best for you. He is the 5th in a “line” of Russell males with whom you are personally acquainted. You knew your grandfather, who, as far as you know, was the first John Isaac. Then your Dad, Ralph, was the youngest of John’s three sons. You were the only son of Ralph. John Patrick . . .

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