John: It Is Finished

WED., OCT. 4, 1995, 8:41 AM

It is good that you are here, offering this time from your busy life to accept My offering of ideas, thoughts, perceptions and truth (even Truth). The sun shines in on you brightly, and you just have enjoyed this Wednesday “ritual” of breakfast and Bible study. Your focus on this Gospel of John is finished. Oh, certainly it will not be the last time you read from these pages, but you now shall move on to another era and another writer of gospel… well, sort of.

John commenced, not with My birth, as Jesus, but with My eternal presence in the creation of all that there is. As Jesus, I am the Christ Spirit. As the Holy Spirit, I am the Christ Spirit… and We are One with the Father God, the Creator and Sustainer God, the Judging God and the Forgiving God. I also am the Word, and the Word is also these Holy Scriptures that you study. As the Risen Body of Jesus, I am the Church, in all of its many forms and styles. That’s all that’s important to you, but just know that I also relate in uncountable ways to those who are non-Christian. There are many mansions in the spirit world beyond this earth plane, and there are many “foyers” here that lead on to these mansions. Just as it is not appropriate for you to investigate the homes of your neighbors (when you had such), it is important only to acknowledge these, but not be further concerned with the details of their relationship with Me. Remember that I am the originator of both/and thinking.

John presented, as my first miracle, the changing of the water into wine at the marriage in Cana. In this story the marriage was not the focus, but My capacity to change one common substance into another, still common and natural, but less so. Since wine is mostly water, My miracle was in adding substance, including alcohol. Alcohol is one of My special substances, which encourages a range of feelings and behaviors, from sacred celebration to violent, degrading actions. You should see this incident as one of the first in which I had fun, as the incarnated God.

To Nicodemus I said, “You must be born again”. To you I have said, in effect, “You must be born again… and then again… and then again…” You came to a special relationship with Me through Bible study at the Menlo Park church. You were becoming more aware that I had chosen you and that you were predestined in some ways. The details weren’t clear, but the basic realization was.

Then, out of Bible study again, I came to you in an unusual, hard-to-explain, miraculous way… again, in part, in the spirit of fun. (You know I have this spirit, so it seems perfectly right for Me to say this, to you). Now it is clearer what your predestined tasks are, some of which still conflict with others. I waited until you were almost through with your child-raising responsibilities and were firmly established as a professional. Now We have to deal with your increasing slowness as elderly status creeps on you.

John has Me, as Jesus, talking at length with My disciples, telling them quite clearly that I, the Holy Spirit, would soon be among them, enabling them to accomplish and to die for Me in order that My Body, the Church, would arise and maintain. I, of course, was there, and yet I wasn’t “officially installed” as yet. With Me being offered as their helpers they would have success. It was both a sad and a happy time. I was going to die, but that was necessary, and I almost looked forward to it. After My “burial” I was back, in body, but one no longer limited by time and space. You would like such an experience. Well, you might get some time in spirit form, but probably not in body… though it still is possible.

WED., OCT. 4, 1995, 8:41 AM

It is good that you are here, offering this time from your busy life to accept My offering of ideas, thoughts, perceptions and truth (even Truth). The sun shines in on you brightly, and you just have enjoyed this Wednesday “ritual” of breakfast and Bible study. Your focus on this Gospel of John is finished. Oh, certainly it will not be the last time you read from these pages, but you now shall move on to another era and another writer of gospel… well, sort of.

John commenced, not with . . .

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