John Patrick

SEPT. 2, 1980, 6:03 AM

You know that I have told you, o son, that you are not a prophet nor are you to be one. This that We do together is different from Mabel’s ministry of prophecy. Still the idea was planted yesterday that I might have something to say about that young man. So I shall say some things… in an educational way … just as I might teach about Forgiveness or Grace or Healing. From these insights you may learn something… as might he… and others. This is not, then a private prophesy about John Patrick, but some instruction about your third son.

Of these sons, John Patrick has the most knowledge of why he is in the earth now. Yet he doesn’t know enough to have a reliable guide for his present life activities. He feels bits and pieces and is trying to have his inner self guide his development. Because he does not have enough “information” (which is only “information” anyway, and not a pre-formulated life plan) he should be living life as he finds it and has it, fully and responsibly, and look for the “development” from that course.

He has a wife and two children. This is not just a chance occurrence… not something that happened… and then you move on to something else. There was a reason (reasons) for his being part of your family, and there are reasons for the four of them being together. This means that he must do certain things he would rather not do, but the life with them is important, and the means to that life must be provided.

But also this is his best means to education about life now available. Other ways may teach more, immediately, but if they take him away from the influence of and upon family the loss is greater than the gain. What he shall learn as a functioning part of his special little family may not be so spectacular and it may come with more discomfort, but it has more capacity for enlightenment… though this seems not to be so.

SEPT. 2, 1980, 6:03 AM

You know that I have told you, o son, that you are not a prophet nor are you to be one. This that We do together is different from Mabel’s ministry of prophecy. Still the idea was planted yesterday that I might have something to say about that young man. So I shall say some things… in an educational way … just as I might teach about Forgiveness or Grace or Healing. From these insights you may learn something… as might he… and others. This is not, then a private prophesy . . .

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