John’s Gospel, Some More

SAT., FEB. 3, 1996, 6:47 PM

In John’s Gospel there isn’t as much uncertainty about who I, as Jesus, am. Yet the picture still doesn’t quite jibe with present Christian theology. Or, better, Christian theology is not completely certain about Father and Son. Are Father and Son the same? Are Father and Son equal? Were they equal while Jesus was on earth, or did this come about after the resurrection and the ascension?

Some of what Jesus says during this account does suggest that He and the Father are One, yet other passages suggest that He listens to and speaks for the Father. In this Gospel, I, as Holy Spirit, can’t come to be a Counselor until Jesus has gone. And it is almost a reason for Jesus’ “going away”… in order that I might come. I have told you, of course, that I have always been here. Presumably I would just have more direct influence after Jesus’ departure.

Important to you, in regard to what I have been telling you about eternal, everlasting life, is the brief account of the man born blind. As Jesus I did not refute the possible karmic reason for this condition, and I, as Holy Spirit, don’t either. Any condition that makes earth life more challenging can be a result of a “karmic debt”, from earlier in this life, from another earth life, or from actions and motivations in a non-earth realm. Because only a few become aware of this connection during earth life, many are surprised, when they cross on over, to see how it has “fit” as an earth task. Some, of course, are disappointed in how they have regarded what had been chosen. Others are satisfied with how they have lived, with difficulty.

Still, the answer I gave for the reason is fundamental – that healing might take place to show the power of God. As I’ve told you, I don’t do this often (not nearly as often as healing is prayed for, even in My Name), partly because the “power of God” has been part of the creation of way too many humans, and deaths are an important part of the earth scene, as are handicaps of various kinds.

As Jesus I also told My disciples that “in My Father’s house are many mansions”, which represents what I, with you, have called diversity. There is a marvelous range in humans, AND in the spiritual paths that are possible and that I encourage. I also say that there are other sheep in other folds, another way of assuring that all are not expected to be the same. Yet there finally is One Shepherd, and We are Him.

Several times in this discourse I promise Me, the Holy Spirit, as the central spiritual “actor” in the earth, after My demise as a normal living being. The was a good and important promise, but, remember, the more important Teaching is that We are all necessary to help with the struggles of the diverse humanity, for which We are responsible.

As God Almighty, as the Heavenly Father, as Allah… I come directly to some souls. As Jesus I directly guide some lives, and I am here, in a much less inhibited and limited way than when I was in the flesh. (I did come to Peter, and that was one reason why he was quite willing to leave his body, in the accident, and come back with Me.) As Holy Spirit I guide and influence in many ways.

To a few I come as clearly directly as I do with you. I hear and answer prayers and help many who are given to Me by the Father or the Son. I also come to people through saints, angels, spirit guides, friends, pastors, and on… It is a marvelously combined and orchestrated ministry that the Three of Us, as One, have.

SAT., FEB. 3, 1996, 6:47 PM

In John’s Gospel there isn’t as much uncertainty about who I, as Jesus, am. Yet the picture still doesn’t quite jibe with present Christian theology. Or, better, Christian theology is not completely certain about Father and Son. Are Father and Son the same? Are Father and Son equal? Were they equal while Jesus was on earth, or did this come about after the resurrection and the ascension?

Some of what Jesus says during this account does suggest that He and the Father are One, yet other passages suggest . . .

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