Joshua And Medical Care

SUN., MAY 3, 1992, 8:00 AM

It shouldn’t surprise you that the title I offer you this morning combines the story you heard last evening with the subject of tomorrow’s conference. You will see that I find some relationship between these… and you may, also, after you write what you hear Me saying.

The theme of Joshua is that I do return to the earth as a modern-day Jesus, wanting both Christians and Jews to live according to the teachings I left years ago. I criticize the church for its departure from My teachings and for its focus on organization and on control of people’s lives and thoughts. The positive message is that I have set you free, so don’t be in bondage to the organized church. As of yore I, as Joshua, am both loved and persecuted, and then I disappear, after leaving a strong impression on some peoples lives and spirits.

I have told you that I am not ready yet to come again, in the so-called Second Coming, to overcome all evil and make of the earth an ideal paradise for the truly faithful or take up the saints and leave the earth to destruction. These final actions are always a possibility, and I want you to be aware of the revelation vision I gave to John oh so many years ago. Yet I do like the earth as I see it… evil and all… and I do love those who are gentle and kind, in My name, responding positively to messages I bring through means such as Joshua.

There is a line in a song that you sing… “We’re all made of dreams and bones.” In like fashion there is considerable reality in the earth which is not scientifically proveable and does not fit with what the secular world says is possible. Joshua is a fictional story, in some ways quite an improbable one. However, it does represent the reality I have “built into” the earth scene. I do come, as Joshuas, as Mother Meera, and in an incredible variety of ways. Though I may well criticize established religion, as Joshua did, I also love it and want it to be renewed and reformed. I come as a complement rather than as a competitor.

Here is the analogy to medical care. As Jesus I performed some miracles, but mainly I touched the spirits of people in some condition of ill-health which brought about healing of the body. I was truly holistic, working with the relationship among spirit, mind, and body. I did not organize My medical care, as I did not organize My church. I did not develop techniques and potions, but relied upon the power that came from My Father God.

Today medicine has developed as too much a departure from My “model,” as has the Church. The essence of healing still is spiritual, as it is the essence of prevention and positive health.

People who become patients still hope for miracles, but these are expected to come from medications, surgeries, and the like. There is often not enough exhibition of spirit by medical personnel… and by patients. You shall have an opportunity to offer this truth tomorrow, so go over your notes and be sure it is included, including in your analysis of the song.

One of the characteristics of indigenous medicine as it is practiced variously in the earth today is the confidence that both the healer and the patient have in it. Some of it is scientifically indefensible, but “effective medicine” may not be as good, even if available, as that which is given and received with faith and trust. And if scientific procedures were always done with love, and faith, they could be much more effective.

Among those who give health care there are some true healers, some who come, as did Joshua, to revive messages that I gave long ago. Healing without a spiritual base can happen, just because bodies have such capacities, but it is of little interest to Me… as are proclamations by the Church which reflect only the desire for the power to influence. In your profession there are some true educators, but these are not always appreciated, for they don’t always have proper concern for content and organization. Perhaps you are one of these. If not, be who you are, with your hand in Mine.

9:00 AM