
THURS., AUG. 23, 1990, 12:07 PM

Joy is an important word, for it represents the height of spiritual feeling. It is an outpouring of spirit, even as aspects of it seem like emotion. In the merest sense it is response to some situation or some happening. In the fullest sense it is a complete overt experience and expression of being.

You now are experiencing the joy of beginning. A new semester has commenced, and you have met with and begun two classes, with the third this evening. Even as you sometimes are bothered by the details of initial classes, you still feel the joy in the challenge of molding a group into a caring, human class. As long as you have this you should still be teaching. When you no longer feel this, then you should “hang it up.”

Joy is an expression of spirit, with the positive emotions closely linked. The physical body is often involved, for the feelings of exhilaration may cause you to jump or to shout or to lift your arms vigorously in the air (an expression you know quite well). The intellect can enhance joy or it can be a distraction. You know that you can know every student’s name by the end of the first class. That helps motivate you toward the effort of name and face matching that produces a joy in the complete naming… and the satisfaction… the joy!… you get from their positive response. So then I’ll say… when you no longer can do this or are unwilling to put forward the effort, then it is time for you to retire.

This time you have lived on your Farm has been one replete with joys. From times of family celebration, to the wondrous completion of classes, to quiet joy in working alone – this has been a fine time in your life. Now you must consider modifying the experience by losing the farmhouse or giving it up for a move into town. Consider all of the options carefully but know, fundamentally, that joy is not tied to a place. Wherever this coming move puts you, know that there shall also be joy in that place, in that situation.

For joy is experienced because you are a moderately developed spirit with your hand firmly in Mine. I, the Holy Spirit, am the ultimate source of joy, for I am pleased with this earth, despite what the ancient prophets proclaim. Oh, there are wars, noble ones and silly ones, like the one that currently is in preparation. There are diseases and hunger, cruelty and suffering. And yet I have so many spirits turned toward Me and so much evidence of spiritual growth that I feel joy over My creation.

You haven’t done exceedingly well in feeling joy in times of stress, pain, and difficulty. It is not something you can fake or express until you truly feel such, but I continue to remind you to be fully aware.

You feel joy sometimes in mild intoxication. This is induced genuine joy. It is joy because you feeling the freeing of self from responsibilities and, even, conventions. You may need a bit of chemical help in putting down mundane, secular feelings, but I have no objection to this. Enjoy these times, just like others that arise more nobly.

Joy should have an ! after it. Joy is three letters and a symbol when it is being written. This identifies the peak experience, the time of momentary bliss, nirvana, and samsara. It doesn’t necessarily symbolize boisterousness… though it can. It is the proper finish for the spirit’s exclamation of its being.

I want you to emphasize that there is joy in beginning, in the process, and in the ending.

THURS., AUG. 23, 1990, 12:07 PM

Joy is an important word, for it represents the height of spiritual feeling. It is an outpouring of spirit, even as aspects of it seem like emotion. In the merest sense it is response to some situation or some happening. In the fullest sense it is a complete overt experience and expression of being.

You now are experiencing the joy of beginning. A new semester has commenced, and you have met with and begun two classes, with the third this evening. Even as you sometimes are bothered by the . . .

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