Just Be Here!

SUN., NOV. 5, 1995, 6:26 AM

A title was not forthcoming. No great issue or circumstances seemed to dominate. But you began the Teaching, and so, according to Our agreement, you must fill these pages with what I, the Holy Spirit, say to you. For your spiritual development the words, the Teaching, is, finally, secondary. To what? Just being here.

You sometimes worry about the destruction of these volumes you and I have created. I have told you, and I say it again, that if it is important these remain as a small part of this earth’s spiritual literature I shall see to that. This is not to put down your concern for this important part of your life for over 16 years. I am pleased that you want to preserve these. They are tangible, but it has been the “time” and attention you’ve given to Me that is most vital.

Others who meditate for even larger portions of any day have no tangible record of what they hear from Me, from other spirits, or from their own spirit, but this use of “time” is of high priority. Why? They, like you, are removing yourself from the duties and pleasures of life, so that your spirit might be fed. With what I feed you spirit doth grow and mature. You are better able to live, and you shall be much better prepared for dying and for death, when it is time for this sort of transition. So just be here.

Yesterday you gave up a beautiful afternoon of pleasure in watching football to be here, in an attempt to prolong the life of this young calf. You couldn’t do much on your own, or so it seemed, but with Carl’s experience and equipment, you got him isolated. You were helpful, but this was secondary to your just being here. To have been away, voluntarily, would have been selfish. Your being here was a small act of service, a small sacrifice. (And you hope it was life saving.)

Modern, technological ways of teaching will make it easier for some learners to grasp facts and understand concepts. But as you conduct classes, once your presence as the professor has been established, much important learning takes place just because you’re there. The activity on Thursday brought much interaction among the learners who were present, but it couldn’t have happened without your being there to direct it. You organized and facilitated in a good way, much like what I often do with humans. Just being there… or here… is top priority.

In a similar way much can be learned about Me and My ways from reading, studying, and discussing Holy Scripture… even the writings of some of My other servants, down through the ages. Yet the heart of these Scriptures is the story of My being here, as the man Jesus. I spoke, I acted, but, crucially, I was here, in the earth. After My bodily death on the cross I came back and established, by My presence, that I was still here. Though I ascended and am no more here as a flesh and blood human I am still here, for certain people who need Me. In most of what I do now I don’t have to preach sermons, creating new Scriptures. I just have to be here, for those with a special need for Me.

As Holy Spirit I have never had a tangible body, though it is fun to be in a body with a person as, together, We accomplish certain tasks. It is fun to infuse your mind with My thoughts and even guide your hand (though the mistakes are usually yours) in creating these Teachings. You could not write these if I were not here. You are creative, and you have moderate persistence, still, but you just wouldn’t accomplish this without My being here with you.

SUN., NOV. 5, 1995, 6:26 AM

A title was not forthcoming. No great issue or circumstances seemed to dominate. But you began the Teaching, and so, according to Our agreement, you must fill these pages with what I, the Holy Spirit, say to you. For your spiritual development the words, the Teaching, is, finally, secondary. To what? Just being here.

You sometimes worry about the destruction of these volumes you and I have created. I have told you, and I say it again, that if it is important these remain as a small part of this earth . . .

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