Just Come…

FRI., MAY 10, 1991, 7:02 AM

When there seems to be no need, just come to Me and let Me offer you spiritual food. When there is nothing that seems urgent for you to understand, just come… When you don’t seem to need an interpretation of some life event, past or approaching, just come… anyway.

For you, the spirit must be an increasingly relevant and obvious dimension of your being. You read of economic hardship ahead, and I have alerted you to this for some time. Yet you shall be taken care of, so that you can give full attention to spirit as the essence of your life. Part of the “secret” is coming to see each task, each event as something spiritual. Now I know this sounds weird and pollyannaish, but then I’ll tell you that it does “work”.

If you would plant seeds and seedlings as a more spiritual task you would have more success as a gardener. You asked for My help in your musical presentation this week, and it was more successful because I responded, which meant that it had become a more spiritual event. If you had asked for My blessing upon the damaged tree in your front yard it would not now be dying. It may be too late now, but give it a try. (I never guarantee a particular result.)

As you see more of life as spiritual adventure you shall be coming to Me more often. Why? Because whenever you see some happening as spiritual, there am I in the midst. This need not be obvious to others. To them you will just seem more alive, more devoted to your task, even those quite mundane. But you shall feel and know the “difference.”

Look upon each graduation as a fresh, spiritual event. Put away thoughts that it is just a repetitive ceremony. Enjoy it for what it means to certain students, particularly those who are thankful to Me for the opportunity to finish this part of their lives. Try to remember this as you participate. Just take My hand as you participate. Just come…

Even as you read these last exam questions and assign grades you can be having a spiritual experience. Now I realize that you’re not quite able to actually have such experiences, but you’re moving in that direction, so I encourage this view of reality. When you are able to truly see life as a spiritual adventure you will wonder why it took you so long… and why others don’t avail themselves of this “privileged way.”

You enjoy giving blood, but you don’t always see it as the spiritual experience it should be. You may have a chance to give again today. If so, be more aware of the spiritual nature of this gift. If not, be aware of spirit as a part of disappointment. You see, I am ready to be with you in success, non-success, and just ordinary life. It becomes better as you see it in the true reality of spirit.

You realize that I am speaking of what can be called enlightenment… or bliss. There still can be pain, but when I share it with you it is not nearly as bothersome. There still will be defeats, but then you’ll see that the only real defeat is being away from Me. You still become upset with life events, losing your spiritual “connection.” I cannot force you into this enlightened state, but I can continue to invite and urge you toward it.

You realize that as you move into this state of being (for it is both a state and a process) you shall be quite ready for death of the body… even eager to experience what will happen next. And yet this state of bliss is such a healthy one that you may continue living, even when death should be imminent. You can appreciate earth life more fully, even as you don’t “hang on” to it. Be assured that conscious life continues, and your view of all that has been will be incredibly more extensive. Yet also hear that you must not hurry toward this “reward.” You shall appreciate it most if you remain fully involved in earth life until the time for crossing on over. And you shall be quite aware when this is.

FRI., MAY 10, 1991, 7:02 AM

When there seems to be no need, just come to Me and let Me offer you spiritual food. When there is nothing that seems urgent for you to understand, just come… When you don’t seem to need an interpretation of some life event, past or approaching, just come… anyway.

For you, the spirit must be an increasingly relevant and obvious dimension of your being. You read of economic hardship ahead, and I have alerted you to this for some time. Yet you shall be taken care of, so that you . . .

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