
OCT. 7, 1980, 5:56 AM

The ancient law of justice, o son. The opportunity of developing self, particularly in the realms of spirit. The mercy that overcomes death, so that all growth is not stopped when a heart or a brain ceases to function. This shall be the focus of Our lesson as this day begins. Perhaps it will shed some light on other concerns that you have, as well.

Karma says, “You have a past that is part of the now-present, and you shall have a future to develop further what you have… and have not… developed in the now-present.” And yet it means, also, that it is the growth and development of spirit that is important in life, not the boundaries of one body and mind, in time and space.

John Patrick feels one karmic pull that is now more powerful than another. It is not that he is making a mistake. It is that he now purposes to grow in one way rather than another. It is still true that there is much he can learn here, but he would give that up for another good. Each contributes to him. The contribution to significant others is different, however. This shall have to be balanced in the life of his family.

Karma is opportunity, basically. You are aware of selfishness that you exhibit. This is the spirit of karma seeking a better rhythm, a better balance between needs of self and needs of others.

All of the opportunities you experience are not karmic in some foreordained, mechanical sense. All things are not prearranged for you. (Some are and some aren’t). But as your spirit develops, along with your awareness and appreciation of karma, more and more life experiences will be perceived by you as karmic opportunities. Was all of yesterday a karmic happening? Not necessarily… and… well, of course!.. depending upon your awareness. And it is important that you not try too hard and conscientiously to be aware. Be true to your development, and more shall come. Becoming too conscious introduces a “fake” quality that is not harmful so much as it is unnecessary.

OCT. 7, 1980, 5:56 AM

The ancient law of justice, o son. The opportunity of developing self, particularly in the realms of spirit. The mercy that overcomes death, so that all growth is not stopped when a heart or a brain ceases to function. This shall be the focus of Our lesson as this day begins. Perhaps it will shed some light on other concerns that you have, as well.

Karma says, “You have a past that is part of the now-present, and you shall have a future to develop further what you have… and . . .

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