Keep “Doin’ It!”

WED., DEC. 22, 1999, 9:10 AM

Yes, o son, I say, “Keep Doin’ It”, which means living life in a positive, happy way. This is a fine, happy season, one of gifts but also one of being with those you love and of remembering this particular, special act of Mine, as God Almighty and as Holy Spirit.

Your religion, Christianity, (which, I tell you is one of My favorites… if not The…) portrays Me as a Triune God, and this is the season when this becomes reality. I, as Almighty and Everliving and Everloving God wanted a Special Son. (Now I do call you son, and I have countless others… and, of course, this is generic – sons and daughters.) So I, using the angel Gabriel, selected a young, virgin girl, Mary, to be the Mother. (It all could have happened in some other way, but this seemed to be “the best”) Then I, Holy Spirit, “came upon her,” and she conceived. (And yes, the child was “destined” to be a male, even though it would have been interesting to let it be a female!)

And thus, as is celebrated and remembered in this season, I was born, as a healthy, Jewish baby, but My Spirit, as Jesus, the Son, had also “been,” along with Father God, and Father Holy Spirit.

In a few months you, in this generation, will remember and celebrate My death and, then, My resurrection in the Easter season. By present-day standards I lived a short earth life (assumed to be about 33 years), but it was long enough to “spawn” four Gospel stories and then letters that formed, together, the Christian perception of Me and Life.

This story does include some times, a few, when I was angry, frustrated, disappointed… but I want you to know… truly know… that I enjoyed My Life as Jesus, and most of what I said was fundamentally positive. As I’ve told you before, even often, My influence would not likely have been greater and more pervasive had I lived to be your age… or that of your Dad. This doesn’t mean that old age is of no value, but only that “longer is not necessarily better.”

So, the “it” in Our title is this positive, joyous perception of life and of its moments and events. Of course I know that even in a life as “ideal” as yours has been and is there will be times of frustration, doubt, and discomfort. But I notice and like those times when you are slipping into frustration (with “shit” as an apt “description”) you laugh and reconnect with who you really are and how I want you to be.

You expect that this earth life will not be much longer, but this motivates you to live each day (and each portion) with appreciation and perceptiveness. You should be thankful (and you are) for this opportunity to know that earth life will be over in, not too long, but also to anticipate movement back to spirit realms, some familiar and others yet to be explored and appreciated.

It is satisfying to do the chores daily and seasonally, but be aware of My advice about balancing. Accomplishment is to be valued, but so is quiet contemplation. A dominant value in your culture is “new is always better”… “there must be progress.” You will not be in that imagined and predicted “future,” so give your attention to meshing your present with your past. Realize, of course, that this brands you as someone “old” and “out of touch.” Accept this, and be who you should be – someone old and quite happy with and proud of the era in which you were privileged to live and serve.

WED., DEC. 22, 1999, 9:10 AM

Yes, o son, I say, “Keep Doin’ It”, which means living life in a positive, happy way. This is a fine, happy season, one of gifts but also one of being with those you love and of remembering this particular, special act of Mine, as God Almighty and as Holy Spirit.

Your religion, Christianity, (which, I tell you is one of My favorites… if not The…) portrays Me as a Triune God, and this is the season when this becomes reality. I, as Almighty and Everliving and Everloving God wanted a . . .

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