Keep It Positive!

WED., FEB. 26, 1992, 12:10 PM

The response to your Graceful Aging presentation last evening was, to you, disappointing. Yet you feel that you did what you should do, so I want to reassure you that I, too, am pleased. For some people, including some of these, your message is an odd one, but they should hear it… and when you deliver it there is a reinforcement in your own perspective.

I am not a severe critic of your culture’s medical care system and its “medical model,” but it is not an enterprise and a perspective I want you to laud. Thus far you are doing rather well with his. There are illnesses and malfunctions that medical care can help alleviate, but always assert that medicine and medical procedures do not heal; they only assist. The body has God-given recuperative powers, and most conditions will revert to normal given time and a positive perspective on life. When healing does not take place it may signify a need to experience a disability (as in your case) or it may mean that one’s natural, earth life should be over.

Oh, I do approve of some occasions when treatments, even surgery, has extended the useful life of a person. Some of these truly appreciate life and honestly and earnestly use their reprieves for service to others and homage to Me. Yet as I look at all hospital patients, particularly among the elderly, I am not overjoyed. Too many really shouldn’t be having all of the procedures prescribed and carried out; time and an energized spirit would generally produce comparable results. But what really saddens Me are those who do recover, with the assistance of medicine, and yet their focus is almost entirely upon self. Such may pray, but their prayers are full of supplications for self, and they don’t really recover health because they become over oriented to disease or disability. If I were more inclined to interfere in natural processes I would zap many of these right in the midst of their self-pity.

So, I say again… life is to be lived positively if it is to be lived in close relationship with me. Focus on the blessings you have. Let these urge you to positive, loving activity. Serve Me directly and through various relationships I open to you. You just have finished a big task – your church’s Newsletter – and you did it with high, positive spirit. Never see it as a chore but as your opportunity to communicate with the folks of your congregation. It is a unique service, and I recommend you continue it, in this positive way.

Trust Me to provide what you need. I may even be helping with the healing of your back and leg and your shoulder. I may also have impeded healing so that you can accept the lessons you should learn from these disabilities. Be cheerful as you are patient. In any “negative” situation or occurrence be quick to ask, “What should I be learning from this?” I’ll say it yet again: with the blessings that you have been privileged to experience you should have no valid complaints about happenings in your life for its coming years. Just trust that I shall give you a positive response to whatever happens.

You spoke earlier this week about both self-actualization and self-realization. Hear that I recommend a continual balancing… a life rhythm… of these. Yes, you should accomplish certain tangible tasks from which you can derive meaning. I assign you tasks galore, and if you were willing and able you could accomplish much more than you do. Then I say that too much activity, however I recommend it, needs to be balanced by times of looking inward and to Me. These are times of apparently no production, but I urge you to continue these… which include reading not directly related to a task… even, sometimes, TV watching.

WED., FEB. 26, 1992, 12:10 PM

The response to your Graceful Aging presentation last evening was, to you, disappointing. Yet you feel that you did what you should do, so I want to reassure you that I, too, am pleased. For some people, including some of these, your message is an odd one, but they should hear it… and when you deliver it there is a reinforcement in your own perspective.

I am not a severe critic of your culture’s medical care system and its “medical model,” but it is not an enterprise and a . . .

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