Keep It Up!

THURS., APR. 14, 1994, 6:49 AM

Before you go forth this day to another day of convention I want you to reread the Teaching I offered you on the plane coming here. You are remembering its main point and even some of its examples rather well, but it should be your basic document for the rest of this week. Take a few minutes to do it right now.

( 6:55 – 7:00 )

Yes, o son, you are doing reasonably well in being brief in your explanations of the limp and of the medical “answer.” Continue to go on to the spirit as a part of this experience, to remind others of all of the functioning that you have (in comparison to what you don’t have), and in this way encourage others to tell you about how the spirit is a factor in their lives. It worked last evening with Phyllis, as she told you about her decision to give up drinking, go to AA, and affirm that her Higher Power is truly Me, the God with the Holy Spirit. That was a blessed way to end an evening of good conversation, in which you energized her in relation to her teaching, that continuing experience of spirit, as both of you carry it out.

Your experience, the previous evening, with Bill produced another Ruminations reader, and I’d like to have you recruit another two or more. Later, as you talk to Regina about this publication, as part of your professional contribution, you may find her receptive, but this can wait until you’re back home.

Seek, particularly, among your alumni and your present students. Those who elect to take the H/SI course this summer, however you are able to do it, will be another rich source of readers.

You have spoken well about your teaching and how it is so satisfying. Continue to emphasize that certain learning activities have the great potential for letting students learn from one another. (When you return reemphasize your prescription for mutual learning; many have lost sight of this goal.) And when students learn from each other there can well be an exchange of spirit… and they should be more aware of this, as it is happening.

Now, when you are talking to others who teach, ask about approaches that seem to touch and bring forth spirit. Some may be a little uncomfortable with this, but some will snap at the opportunity. From your experience thus far you can see how this direction of conversation can produce much spiritual good. You can ask rather direct questions, such as: “Is there a spiritual dimension to this disease called AIDS?” “Is this emphasized in your teaching, that related to prevention as well as to after-care?”

Spirit is potentially a factor in any meeting such as this one, but so often it goes unrealized and undeveloped. Your task, for these days remaining (should you choose to accept the assignment), is to identify spirit as a part of all that is going on here, even of the dull, academic presentations. It can be part of individual encounters, as well as of larger group experiences. Don’t overdo it. You are expected, by many now, to be interested in the spiritual, but some may be looking for you to be too much of a zealot. Be aware of such traps, but persist in this gentle tack I have laid on you. ( 7:38 / 7:40 )

THURS., APR. 14, 1994, 6:49 AM

Before you go forth this day to another day of convention I want you to reread the Teaching I offered you on the plane coming here. You are remembering its main point and even some of its examples rather well, but it should be your basic document for the rest of this week. Take a few minutes to do it right now.

( 6:55 – 7:00 )

Yes, o son, you are doing reasonably well in being brief in your explanations of the limp and of the medical “answer.” Continue to . . .

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