Keeping A Commitment

SAT., JUNE 30, 1984, 7:40 AM

You are here and keeping the commitment you made for this month, but you stayed in bed too long and now you are concerned about time. This is important, so proceed, and if there is reason to cut it short you know that I shall be agreeable. But a commitment made to Me is one that should be kept. I do want you to be faithful in our relationship, and these times of hearing Me are vital to this.

I recognize that you have many commitments to keep… that your life is one of multiple commitments. That is as it should be. My disciple Matthew put it strongly in his Gospel account when My words were that those who did not do for others would go, deservedly, to a burning hell. This should make it clear and dramatic that a central responsibility of the Christian life is to live your life for others, rather than for yourself. I realize that most of the matters you are concerned about today involve commitments to others, which overlap. I can just say, gently, that your sleeping overlong this morning was an indulgence of self. But that is forgiven, and the busy day has begun.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if even all those who call themselves God-loving or God-fearing, by any religious label, but particularly those who call themselves Christians would commit themselves to the good of others rather than self? So many aspects of life would change, and life would be better for everyone, truly. The main sin and evil in the world is this unwillingness of people to take these opportunities for being of service to others.

The call from Mark just now was a willingness on his part to take time from his busy day to see how you are doing and give you some positive comments on Ruminations. You, in turn, took time from this commitment, listening to him and also adding spiritual content to the conversation. It is an example in which commitments collide and compete, but isn’t that preferable to having nothing but self indulgent things to do?

SAT., JUNE 30, 1984, 7:40 AM

You are here and keeping the commitment you made for this month, but you stayed in bed too long and now you are concerned about time. This is important, so proceed, and if there is reason to cut it short you know that I shall be agreeable. But a commitment made to Me is one that should be kept. I do want you to be faithful in our relationship, and these times of hearing Me are vital to this.

I recognize that you have many commitments to keep… that your life . . .

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