Keeping The Law

APR. 12, 1981, 6:40 AM

You are here, o son, as I suggested, but your mind is wandering badly. You know that a teaching on this class lesson based on the letter to the Galatians will be helpful. So settle your mind, let your spirit be “in charge” and hear Me as I speak to you about laws and rules.

You know how Paul felt inside, for he it was who led you to an acceptance of My Grace… which simply leaves the laws and the rules behind. It doesn’t negate them. It simply moves you along the path so there is no further need for them. As you are born again you accept Me as an active partner in your life. You know, from these personal teachings, that there is no event or aspect of life of which I am not a part. I am in your being. I am the Christ consciousness which now directs where laws and rules once held sway.

Now, it is possible for a person to put away the laws and then pay little heed to Me. This is dangerous… for self and others. Yet it also is a challenge to self to develop a style of living that has some consistency and an “other-than-I” focus. It can be done, but it is so unnecessary. Oh, I recognize the value of individual triumphs, but My preference is partnership.

I and Jesus are now One. I speak equally and readily as Jesus, the Christ and as the Holy Spirit who Was, and Is, and Is to Be. Jesus accepted Me, the Spirit, as a constant full partner, and We became One. You now have the opportunity, which you have accepted, of becoming One with the One that is Us. Further, Paul, who accepted our Oneness and our partnership is now part of the One in partnership with you. And countless others.

Is My Being enhanced by these relationships? No. And Yes. First, I am the functioning, working Spirit of the One Lord God Almighty, and thus nothing can enhance Me… in the sense that I was less than full before. At the same time My fullness and completeness is enhanced with each soul whose spirit joins with Mine.

What you have, then, rather than a set of laws or an inner sense of lawfulness, is a relationship with My enhanced Spirit, with the Christ consciousness which transforms each situation and event and guides you in thought, attitude, and action. It is “situation ethics”, I suppose, but the We who I Am are the absolutely best judge of what you should do in the unique-appearing circumstances of your present life.

You see, I, that is the We, have full knowledge of the consequences of actions as they have been taken by myriad peoples. I also know of the patterns of lives that you have lived and/or are now living. No single law can always be right for you, given all of these influencing factors.

APR. 12, 1981, 6:40 AM

You are here, o son, as I suggested, but your mind is wandering badly. You know that a teaching on this class lesson based on the letter to the Galatians will be helpful. So settle your mind, let your spirit be “in charge” and hear Me as I speak to you about laws and rules.

You know how Paul felt inside, for he it was who led you to an acceptance of My Grace… which simply leaves the laws and the rules behind. It doesn’t negate them. It simply moves . . .

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