Kids, Life, And Death

SAT., OCT. 12, 1991, 6:30 AM

This afternoon you shall address a group of youth (and I’ll call them kids) who have desires to help other kids to live life more fully and to avoid premature death. You are not sure how you should do this, so you obviously need help from Me, in this rather formal way. I already have offered My help, so that what you are planning to do is as I would wish it.

The main suggestion is to be flexible. Listen to Me and to your spirit as you speak and be willing to shift as such is necessary. I urge you to use this familiar presentation as your base, because you do it with spirit, and that’s what I want you to offer this afternoon. Tell the stories, as they seem to apply. Just let your spirit guide you.

It is sad when a young person chooses death over life. Motives are usually mixed, and there usually are some that are positive. Mostly, however, the motives reek of selfishness and of a “poor me” feeling. Continue to emphasize that it is very rare that the conditions which cause a kid to take her own life are so unchangeably bad that death is a good option. Rather, the perceptions of kids are truly changeable. What once looked terrible can, with some time, look quite different.

As you look back on your adolescence it all seems quite wonderful. The troubles that some kids have today did not seem relevant to your life. And yet you realize that some who end their lives as youth have lives that seem as ideal as yours. You saw life positively, even as a kid. You were not aware of My helping presence, but I was there, in many situations. You were chosen, way before you knew you were chosen.

I do not “choose” everyone as I have chosen you. I could, but that would prevent some of the variety in earth life that I enjoy. You see, in contrast to your situation, I choose some earlier in life, and they know it. Many become preachers, pastors, and others who serve Me directly through My Body, the Church. Others who are chosen never do respond, as you did, and when such pass on over there is sadness at what they missed in earth life. Remember that the nature of an earth life is no valid reflection of the more pervasive life of spirit. Each soul knows the life into which he will enter, though not of all the circumstances that shall develop. For some teenage is easy. For others it is hard. For a few it seems too much… and death seems preferable.

Yet I tell you that all is not lost when a kid comes over “uninvited.” Spiritual development is not all “onward and upward.” Souls learn from mistakes as well as from successes. Some I treat harshly, for this is needed. For most it is not. I am kind, non-judgmental, and helpful in their coming to ultimate spiritual terms with an action as violent as ending life as a kid.

Closely related in effect to selfish suicide is offering one’s life in an attempt to save another. The story of three boys who drowned, two of them attempting to save the third is a story of beautiful sacrifice. In a sense it is a reenactment of My life decision, as Jesus. I gave My life that others might live, knowing that many would not accept My offer, and thus My death would have been in vain. There are instincts that preserve earth life, but there also are motives that are higher than life preservation – giving up life to save another.

Adolescence is a time of life for full living. Adults can make this easier… and harder. You experienced the death of one adolescent son, and you helped save the life of another. Often it is not at all clear what should be said or done to and with kids in situations. Sometimes it is harder to be a helpful parent or youth advisor than to be a kid. Again, much variety, which I allow.

SAT., OCT. 12, 1991, 6:30 AM

This afternoon you shall address a group of youth (and I’ll call them kids) who have desires to help other kids to live life more fully and to avoid premature death. You are not sure how you should do this, so you obviously need help from Me, in this rather formal way. I already have offered My help, so that what you are planning to do is as I would wish it.

The main suggestion is to be flexible. Listen to Me and to your spirit as you speak and . . .

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