Knowing Who You Are

WED., JUNE 6, 1984, 6:50 AM

These are days of multiple experiences, some of which are arranged and predictable, and some of which are unexpected in the midst of the expected… and some quite surprising. Experiences such as the totality of this trip serve both to let you exhibit who you are (as well as you can know this) and to learn more about yourself… as a basis for developing further. Knowing who you are is a part of being. It is important not to be too self-conscious and too oriented toward self, however. Balance and rhythm… My eternal recommendation.

In retrospect, you were disappointed with an aspect of yourself yesterday. Your major concern at the accident was to be blameless, which then had you focus blame on those who were causative, but also injured. Your sense of justice was too great, and your sense of mercy almost lacking. Your sense of responsibility was towering, and your sense of compassion quite limited. The balance was certainly poor. Yes, it is well for you to reflect upon that and feel sorry that your natural balance was not better.

On the positive side you had a concern for Roger that allowed and encouraged him to be more open and social than he would have been without your persistence. You were prepared for this encounter, and it gave evidence of your good spirit. You win some, and you lose some.

An important part of who you are is… you are still a productive worker and must remain so for some years. This is in contrast to some who are retired from working, and whose being is no longer directly affected by regular work. Each is an important part of life, neither superior to the other. Just know who and where you are, in relation to work, and be able to state it. Yet still be careful that you do not sound superior to those who no longer work… and, then, do not let them bring forth envy in you, when it is not merited.

Your work life continues and should… know this. This is challenged, in some ways, by those who regular work life is pau, particularly those who retired too soon. However, your work life and your service to Me are increasingly merged, and from this service you shall never retire, so this gives you an advantage many do not have, and you should speak of this to some.

Not only are you in the right job, but you also are in the right place, and your being here is an ever-recurring challenge to that. Most people here consider this a better place to be and work, and your presence back here is a reason to affirm such a judgment. You know that your best place is in your university setting and on your Farm, but it is sometimes difficult or inappropriate to affirm this too loudly. Just be aware that there are times when this should be done, conscientiously and not defensively.

You are a parent, and in the “competition” that is part of this role in your culture you sometimes feel uncomfortable… less than a winner. Your sons do not seem to be the successes that other proclaim for their progeny. Never forget, however, that each of these sons is in My loving and powerful hands, even Peter who is no longer with you, and Matthew, who is slow to acknowledge Me as the basis for his life. I am part of the life of each, and the older sons acknowledge Me and relate to Me in ways that should make you proud. Relationship with Me is the only real criterion for the success of a child in life.

WED., JUNE 6, 1984, 6:50 AM

These are days of multiple experiences, some of which are arranged and predictable, and some of which are unexpected in the midst of the expected… and some quite surprising. Experiences such as the totality of this trip serve both to let you exhibit who you are (as well as you can know this) and to learn more about yourself… as a basis for developing further. Knowing who you are is a part of being. It is important not to be too self-conscious and too oriented toward self, however. Balance . . .

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