Knowing Who You Are

WED., APR. 17, 1996, 12:42 EDT

Today you are a health education professional, one who shall frequent another convention, as you have for many years. This is a familiar role, and you shall take it on again with little difficulty. A major frustration is likely to be use of time… going to a formal session or spending time with a colleague (or more), particularly those who have similar spiritual interests. I continue to urge the latter. You need very little additional professional facts or ideas. Remember that I have you moving farther from being an objective professional and closer to one focusing on spirit.

I’ll comment, of course, on “who you are” on your ticket. You beseeched Me for help in avoiding any confrontation about being LL or RD. You didn’t need Me, but I appreciated the prayer. I liked some of your practiced reactions, particularly that you and LL have been declared “One” in your marriage ceremony. (Just as long as this doesn’t apply to managing properties!) I’ll expect another beseeching before the trip home.

You began the day, briefly, in your Farm role. You’re not sure how long this will continue as it is, but it’s satisfying now, and I’ll help you with any necessary adaptations. There are various ways to be a rural human, each with some merits. Enjoy what you have now and “move with the times”.

This trip requires you to give up, for today, your role as teacher. But you have organized for the class session and picked a good TA to take your place. Look forward to their written reactions, some of which you’ll share with them next week.

On this same theme I liked your “movement”, in yesterday’s class, toward My recommendation for your future teaching opportunities. You involved the group in the concept of sacred places, which I like much more than lamenting about pollutions and such. Continue the theme, in all of your classes, that deaths are an important factor in the whole of ecological balancing… and, if anything, humans are “doing very well”, an unfortunate perception. Make sharing a priority… you sharing with them and them sharing with you.

You know that you are one of the “old ones” who are still active in your field. Mostly you need make no apologies for not being as “modern” as most of your younger colleagues and many of your students. In the future there may be a time for you to become “computer literate”, one able to “surf the Internet”. There can be some value in that, but it probably will be better for you to read some of your old classic books and contemplate ideas of the past, rather than trying to sift out some merit from contemporary computer “talk”. I would prefer that you be a real “old one” rather than striving to be young and current.

You are one on whom grace has been bestowed. You have never been a really “bad person”, but you also haven’t merited the grace I bestow. But you have accepted this “offer” of Mine, and if you continue, in faith, I shall not withdraw this blessing. ( 1:38 p / 3:44 p ) It is a “gift” that I, as Jesus, paid for. You still have some difficulty with this, as a middle-class American. Yet you listen to Me often enough to know that you have grace draped all over you.

You now are in a nice room, somewhere close to the convention. You should find it soon and join in as soon as I sign off. This room will allow you some place for relaxation, but remember why you’re here.

WED., APR. 17, 1996, 12:42 EDT

Today you are a health education professional, one who shall frequent another convention, as you have for many years. This is a familiar role, and you shall take it on again with little difficulty. A major frustration is likely to be use of time… going to a formal session or spending time with a colleague (or more), particularly those who have similar spiritual interests. I continue to urge the latter. You need very little additional professional facts or ideas. Remember that I have you moving farther from being . . .

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