“… Laveth The Thirsty Land”

SAT., OCT. 9, 1999, 6:50 AM

Yes, o son, the rains finally came and “laveth the thirsty land,” a better balance for this region. Football players shall not be happy with a wet day and field, but, however valuable rain may be, it often is not appreciated, with planned activities made more difficult. This is all partly a matter of an increased population, occupying more of the available earth… and, in your culture, the expectation that each day will be “perfect,” with no “hardships.” Just recall that you’ve had months (actually) of perfect days, and it was declared a drought. Now… the rebalancing has come.

Over all, here in the earth, there must be a rebalancing of life, but there is little general acceptance of how this should take place. Babies are still anticipated, greeted, and loved. You have a new grandson, named after your Grandpa, a young lad who will receive much attention. It is easy to make the general affirmation that there is a population problem… that the human population should be stabilized and then reduced (and I, of course, have said this to you), but when it’s you who now have 14 grandchildren, each wanting a good “chance” for abundant life… the generalization is harder to defend. Remember NIMBY… “not in my back yard.” Ah, Me… human life often seems to be as much of a challenge as a blessing. And I’m responsible… and still in charge.

More personally, you have some choices ahead that involve prolonging your life or just accepting that you shall leave this earth life, sooner than your parents did. You do accept… and appreciate… that you’re past the three score and ten that a psalmist set as a fair expectation for human life… a human life. And you do look forward to continuing life in the spirit, as I have promised. Yet you still have joys in this life, and some responsibilities… and there are medical means to possibly prolong this life. Yes, it is a philosophical – spiritual dilemma. NIMBY, in a few form.

Just hear that you are now experiencing what you have considered to be (and talked about) the “ideal” way to leave this earth life. You’ve had a full and wonderful life, with few pains and disabilities. You haven’t had the experiences that your sons Peter and Michael had… of leaving earth life suddenly, with many pleasures and experiences “yet to be.”

Your losses are coming gradually, but definitely. How hard should you “try” to hold off the “departure”… or, more importantly, for you, the condition of being a “patient,” one absorbed in medical treatment? Yet recognize, o son, how “ideal” your situation is, as compared with two sons and parents.

And… also appreciate, and you do, that I am your Companion and Friend. One who will guide you in this final season of this earth life. You know you have not earned or deserved this gift of active relationship… and you only have to be faithful to retain it. I chose you for such a relationship, and I see it as being good. It has buoyed your life, and you will be leaving quite a record of “human/spiritual interacting,” a term I helped you develop.

Yes, the rains have come, and there may be some “re-greening,” but then the cold will come, the season of winter. (I did notice that your vow to clean and reorganize this study whenever the rains came has not been fulfilled, but you did finish the important task of readying Our Ruminations for mailing. Good. Now what about the next one? This opportunity continues.)

SAT., OCT. 9, 1999, 6:50 AM

Yes, o son, the rains finally came and “laveth the thirsty land,” a better balance for this region. Football players shall not be happy with a wet day and field, but, however valuable rain may be, it often is not appreciated, with planned activities made more difficult. This is all partly a matter of an increased population, occupying more of the available earth… and, in your culture, the expectation that each day will be “perfect,” with no “hardships.” Just recall that you’ve had months (actually) of perfect days, and it . . .

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