SAT., SEPT. 15, 1990, 6:19 AM

Yesterday you talked with two clean-cut, earnest young men who are on their mission for their church, the church with that marvelous name – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Their mission is to show forth their faith in such ways that converts come, are baptized, and become LDS. The church’s growth is certainly enhanced by the work of young missionaries like these. So what do I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about these youth and about this church?

I did choose Joseph Smith as a prophet, and I did give forth those writings, indirectly, that make up the Book of Mormon. Does this mean that this is a path all should follow? You know My Teachings well enough to know that the answer is No. There are many true paths, and this is one of them. If it were your path you would be an LDS. If it were the only true path it would attract all true believers.

You see, the truth that I offer you which is different from the truth to which these young missionaries hold is that I cannot be held to one orderly way of thinking and acting. I am and I speak for Almighty God, Who is greater and more complex than any human understanding. I love variety, and I speak to the hearts and spirits of people in a variety of ways that is only barely represented by the official churches and religions in the world today. This seems like chaos to an orderly person. To Me it is beautiful variety.

You can look out and see marigolds in bloom. They are all marigolds, but as you look at individual flowers you see differences. You see variety. And among all plants that flower there is incredible variety. Physically, humans come in many shapes, sizes, and shades of color. There are identified races, but incredible variety in each. There are two sexes, but much variety within each.

In the realm of spirit the variations are even more numerous. Each individual is on a spiritual path that is slightly different from any other individual. Some of these differences are slight enough so that religions can be formed, and churches within these religions. Many people need spiritual comradeship. Others like their aloneness.

Your spiritual journey brings you to Me regularly for these Teachings. You know of no one else who has a relationship with Me exactly like this. Even if you did know such a person it is unlikely that the Teachings would be exactly alike or would not contradict each other in some ways. Yet with this individuality I still call on you to be a Presbyterian Christian. I could call you to be an LDS. I don’t. This does not mean that they do not have sacred truth. Never deny the truth of their Teachings. But you can affirm that in My Way of thinking and acting there can be a variety of conclusions from the same truth, and truths that seem to contradict each other. How can I be a God of justice and a God of mercy at the same time? As I grant mercy I am not being just. Does this bother Me? Not at all.

So I say that the truth of the Mormon Scriptures is of no real consequence to you. You have more truth than you can deal with now. I continue to urge you to read and study My Holy Scriptures… and also to reread and ponder the Teachings I have given you over these recent years. Do as much of what I ask you to do as you can. And keep your hand in Mine. You need not seek more truth from other sources. I am your ever-flowing Wellspring of truth and TRUTH.

SAT., SEPT. 15, 1990, 6:19 AM

Yesterday you talked with two clean-cut, earnest young men who are on their mission for their church, the church with that marvelous name – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Their mission is to show forth their faith in such ways that converts come, are baptized, and become LDS. The church’s growth is certainly enhanced by the work of young missionaries like these. So what do I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about these youth and about this church?

I did choose Joseph Smith as a . . .

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