Leaning On The Everlasting Arms

MONDAY, AUG. 24, 1981, 5:25 AM

The Fall semester commences today, o son, and so a teaching for you, the teacher, seems appropriate. It is obviously still summer as you write this, well into the third year of this teaching-learning relationship. I do purpose for you to be a better teacher of the matters which I value. In order for this to occur you should be, in the words of the old gospel hymn, leaning on the everlasting arms. And these are Mine, of course.

I, the Holy Spirit, do teach you and do offer My everlasting arms upon which to lean. What is the symbolism of this? First, there’s leaning. This implies that you are still functioning as an individual of integrity… you are still on your own two feet, able to function with your head, and all its equipment, and with your strong arms and hands. Still, life in the earth often is a tiring, taxing experience. You have an ailing car this morning. You must get it to help this morning and make decisions that will cost money… all this instead of dealing with your academic tasks more proper for this day. There will be times, then, when leaning upon Me can be helpful, even energizing. So go ahead and lean.

Lean on what? The song says, “Arms”. Arms are functional. Arms are the means for doing much of the work of the world. (At least this was true before the proliferation of machines in your portion of the world. You had best not allow the loss of arm and hand function, for it is not well to become too dependent on machines. Those who do so must realize what they are doing and maintain the personal function, for it will be needed again.) So, symbolically, My arms are the functioning working aspect of Me. Lean on these arms and your working capacity will be enhanced.

But, also, arms are the structures for embracing. In joy, in sorrow, and in every mood between there is value in hugging and being hugged. Arms are the means of this vital act. So, My arms are working, but they also are embracing. Feel the love which radiates directly to you… not some vague, disembodied spiritless emotion, but spiritual love made vivid by the embrace of arms. And you are invited to lean on these means of embracing. You will “go away” feeling better, more able to be and to do, because you have leaned and been hugged in that leaning.

Everlasting. “That’s a long time!” As you lean upon My arms you become aware that this is an experience not just for the moment, but one that shall last on into eternity. And, if you are a bit more perceptive, as you are, you also become aware that this everlasting quality is not just this moment forward, but also extends “back”. You are on a path, the path to selfless service and enlightenment, which is also salvation, and I have been with you along this path. For practical purposes, eternity stretches both “ways”, and you are somewhere along the path.

MONDAY, AUG. 24, 1981, 5:25 AM

The Fall semester commences today, o son, and so a teaching for you, the teacher, seems appropriate. It is obviously still summer as you write this, well into the third year of this teaching-learning relationship. I do purpose for you to be a better teacher of the matters which I value. In order for this to occur you should be, in the words of the old gospel hymn, leaning on the everlasting arms. And these are Mine, of course.

I, the Holy Spirit, do teach you and do offer My . . .

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