Learning From Dubos

FRI., AUG. 2, 1996, 6:33 AM

Finally, it seems, you shall have this paper printed and available, the one written 8 years ago. It is a bit long, but it is a good piece of scholarship, one from which you have learned. You see, I can use a wide variety of means to have you learn. This that I’m using now is the direct one, but I also used the writings of this man in a more indirect approach.

Early on, when you, with My unannounced and unheralded assistance were developing an ecological approach to health Dubos’ writings were very helpful. From him you learned the importance of adaptation as a characteristic of health. All forms of life want to dominate, but equilibrium is the ideal state, but seldom achieved. Humans, certainly, want to dominate, and they do this through both technology and through reproduction.

With this Dubosian foundation I have taught you that I am the Creator and Sustainer of this planet and its myriad forms of life. And I arranged the creation so that it seems to have evolved naturally. Humans are My highest form of life, each with an immortal soul, with spirit that arises from that soul and that grows and develops during earth life, enriching the soul. Yet I want you humans to love and respect the total web of life and your place in it. This is one application of My teaching, as Jesus, that the first shall be last, and the last, first.

Still, you can accuse Me of allowing this disequilibrium. Conceptions, successful births, and technological means of combating disease and prolonging individual lives has increased the human population. I certainly have been involved with this. Technologies and institutions have made life easier and more pleasant for some humans, but one of My physical laws is the law of Entropy. It holds that when energy is transformed the process produces waste, and this must go somewhere. Thus does the “good life” pollute this limited orb of earth. And I have allowed all of this.

Your Continuum of Adaptation was early evidence of your learning from Dubos, and it still is a valuable concept. Dubos was a scientist, and he would have approved of this way of looking at and explaining the physical nature of humans and the earth environment. Yet he also helped you develop the notion of sacred places and how the spirit of a place can influence the spirit of people in it and how the spirit and spirits of people can maintain and enhance the spirit in a place. This can be a “natural place”, like this Farm, or a “created place”, like a church or a stadium. Spirit encourages spirit.

He was also an influence in the development of the Wellspring, Human/Spiritual Interacting. In your descriptions of the facets of this Wellspring he was an influence in God, Abstract and in Self, spiritual. The experience of God in great churches, in the ringing of bells, in repeated rituals and ceremonies is very important for some… and he was one. Then there is the God Within (with or without capitals), spirit that seems to arise from within self… which tells you, yet again, that there is no place where I am not.

You have developed some of these ideas and concepts further and more fully than he did, and you hope he would be pleased with his mentorship. You, in turn, can be pleased as students of yours go on to develop some of your models in different, and potentially more useful ways.

FRI., AUG. 2, 1996, 6:33 AM

Finally, it seems, you shall have this paper printed and available, the one written 8 years ago. It is a bit long, but it is a good piece of scholarship, one from which you have learned. You see, I can use a wide variety of means to have you learn. This that I’m using now is the direct one, but I also used the writings of this man in a more indirect approach.

Early on, when you, with My unannounced and unheralded assistance were developing an ecological approach to health . . .

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