Learning From Life

SUN., AUG. 7, 1983, 6:17 AM

You are not coming often to this opportunity, o son, and, as you know, part of the reason is the disorganized state of these Teachings over the past year., They DO need some attention, and I shall just say, positively, that you will feel much better about yourself when you take the time and exert the wee effort that this task requires. This is an aspect of your life from which you can learn, but the potential is much smaller when they are scattered and disorganized.

This is a chiding preface only. My theme of the morning is learning from life. Again, you could do better, but it is not a matter of trying but of becoming as aware as you can be, given your soul development. You know that you are not to spend time and effort seeking spiritual insights from other sources, but you also know that I am creative in presenting opportunities to you. Know how I would have you learn, but also be ready for the variations I offer.

This sabbatical that I have proposed is an example. The opportunity is to vary your religious life experience for a time and consciously learn from the life that results. I have given some directions, so review the Teaching titled Sabbatical from time to time, using it as your main guide.

When life is familiar it is comfortable, but there is less to be learned… plus a “lulling” effect that makes it less likely to learn from circumstances that seem so “predictable”. You are not yet one to be lulled easily, so you are open to, even eager for, this learning opportunity. Your work is another important arena. You have two relatively new courses to teach this Fall, so consider these as variations from which you can learn, rather than as burdens to bear. It may even be time to vary some of your familiar courses, though I affirm, it is not the uniqueness of the whole experience that is critical, but your capacity to learn from the experiences you are having.

As long as there are variations each year, combinations of new and of revisited experiences, you shall have no needs for retirement. This state becomes desirable only when there is no more challenge, no more learning in the life/work experience. This need not be for you for the foreseeable future. Continue to arrange the variety, and then learn from the experiences. There is no better source of learning, for you, than your own life and times. This is My efficient plan that so many people, even Christians, just ignore. To pass up the experiences of life in order to try to learn from abstract sources is just a crying shame. Can you be as aware of this at mid-afternoon today as you are now? You could be.

SUN., AUG. 7, 1983, 6:17 AM

You are not coming often to this opportunity, o son, and, as you know, part of the reason is the disorganized state of these Teachings over the past year., They DO need some attention, and I shall just say, positively, that you will feel much better about yourself when you take the time and exert the wee effort that this task requires. This is an aspect of your life from which you can learn, but the potential is much smaller when they are scattered and disorganized.

This is a chiding preface . . .

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