Learning From Within

September 5, 1979, 5:44 AM

There is much to learn, o son, and the sources are many.  The most obvious are those external… books, lectures, films… the like.  But, as you are doing now you must become more comfortable in acknowledging the learning from internal sources.  Each can grow from within, as well as from without.

(Write what you hear.  Don’t fret about your influence upon it.  That is a challenge, but certain themes are going to be “dangerous”.  If you let yourself be in Me I shall not have you write anything this is untrue.  Trust Me.  Rest in Me.)

My Bible is the external source of most worth.  Trust, again, is important, for it is written so that some will scoff and disparage.  Yet for you who persist and read with faith, there is an infinite store that makes for wisdom.

But like unto that is the storehouse within.  Just as I am Universal – both external to you and intimately internal – so the sources of your knowledge are from within as well as from without.  First, know that you have learned much in the past that you now have forgotten.  But the imprint of the learning is still within your mind and can be recycled back to consciousness with some meditation and concentration.  It is sad when well-learned concepts slip from use.  But I counsel not to cry over that which is sad, but to discover and develop the means to retrieve and bring to bear that learning from the past.

But, importantly, I teach from within, o son.  I speak words of utility and words of wisdom.  And they come to you from within.  Consider this process: with some bit of ritual (the pad and pen) you seat yourself in your first waking hour.  You close your eyes, and many images present themselves.  (Distractions on your desk are both dangerous and useful; they can distract, but they also can help hone your discipline, for they remind you that you are distracted.)

You must choose an image for a theme or you must discern My choice.  This is difficult, sometimes, easy at others.  But it is vital.  You judge right when you conclude… “There is infinite time… there is no limit to what the Spirit can teach… no theme is wrong… just pick a promising one… and if the Spirit truly has one for my well-being, it shall shine forth.”  So the theme is selected – from being heard and seen.  Yes, generally you need to see it, as well as hear it.  And the writing begins.

You must trust in Me and trust that I teach in this way.  There can be no solid proof that these words are Mine rather than yours.  The words are, often, yours, for I generally limit Myself to your vocabulary.  (What would it profit if I spoke of masarka or fifeth?)  You trust… and you write the words that flow, sometimes smoothly, sometimes haltingly.  You can’t help but consider them as they appear, and your mind may want to censor certain words or ideas.  You do this because they may be read by others, and there are some things that should remain secret between Spirit and spirit… are not for others to read.  (It is time, now, to receive, from time to time, messages quite personal and not for others’ consideration.)

The discipline is to write as you hear, validating the theme that there are sources (ultimately One Source) within from which you can learn.  This is true for everyone, but the degree of success will vary – just as it does with external sources.  But the one may not predict the other.  Not all who learn well externally will do so internally.  But there is no way to know but to try.

Your spirit has had many experiences.  Become more aware of these and appreciate their worth.  Focus on the positive… that which builds further.  My Spirit can offer new insights or can illumine learnings from more conventional sources.

Let this become part of your professional proclamation about learning.  Cultivate the Within as well as the without.  I dwell in many mansions, and one of them is you, o son.  What I want you to learn, you shall.  I shall be with you this day.


6:47 AM