Leg, Back, And Spirit

MAR. 15, 1981, 5:35 AM

You are interested, o son, to hear what I have to say about your leg and back. You remember Me saying that healing shall come, though it be slow. Now the M.D. says it shall not heal… you shall not be whole again, and you wonder what happened to my proclamation. As you suspect, this all has something to do with spirit also, so hear what I say now… as you confirm that your foot has its come-to-be expected numbness still.

Go back and reread all of the teachings from late November, for several have bits to say about this injury. You might even put them all together in a single “scholarly” synthesis and see if there is consistency or not.

What I say now is that you, as a healthy person, particularly healthy in spirit, must be ready for and contribute to healing and wholeness, however I define it. For, in a true sense, you shall heal from this injury, but it may or may not involve the full return of function to your foot. This means that… yes… it may be that the medical diagnosis is wrong and there are means beyond the medically known that shall cause this physical disability to recede and disappear. You can hope and pray for this still. Remember that nothing is impossible with Me. I do have the power to change the non-changeable… to bring the dead back to full, vibrant life. I do not exercise this often. It is not the way I choose to have this world be… but it is still within My power. Never doubt this. This is where spirit is part of the picture. Your spirit must affirm that… yes… a “miracle” is possible.

Right now you are still in a spiritual process. All you know is that a reputable medical opinion affirms that physical healing is quite unlikely. Your reaction to this is generally pleasing. You proclaim to Me that if you are to have this disability that you will further develop other aspects of self so that your overall health is maintained… even enhanced. It shall be an impetus to growth toward wholeness that shall be obvious. This is a thought that you must not lose, for it has much merit. Nevertheless, it must not be your only posture.

The third possibility, which you are also entertaining, is that dedicated exercise and persistent effort… beyond what you have ever exerted… may be necessary for a healing of dysfunction. Would you be willing to devote several years to the effort when the indication as to whether you would ever succeed is cloudy to dark? Could your spirit sustain such an effort and grow in the experience rather than be diminished by lack of success?

Know that every experience you have for the rest of your life in this earth is ultimately one of spirit. You are now enlightened enough to know this, and you should be able to affirm it. This does not mean that the physical and other aspects of any experience are unreal or unimportant. Far from it. Consider and work with these realities, but realize and affirm the ultimate reality.

MAR. 15, 1981, 5:35 AM

You are interested, o son, to hear what I have to say about your leg and back. You remember Me saying that healing shall come, though it be slow. Now the M.D. says it shall not heal… you shall not be whole again, and you wonder what happened to my proclamation. As you suspect, this all has something to do with spirit also, so hear what I say now… as you confirm that your foot has its come-to-be expected numbness still.

Go back and reread all of the . . .

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