
THURS., MAR. 6, 1986, 6:24 AM

This is the season called Lent, and you just have completed the newsletter which tells of the activities and traditions that “show forth” this season. Therefore you must be interested in what I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about Lent. Listen, o son, for I am with you on this gray morning.

Lent is a time of remembrance, and the Scripture lessons and Wednesday meditations have been emphasizing a longer memory… that of the Jewish heritage which preceded My life as Jesus. My triumphal entry, Last Supper, trial, crucifixion, and Resurrection. The importance of this is the fundamental remembrance that I, as God Almighty and as the Holy Spirit, was functioning in the earth and affecting lives and revealing Myself before I came as Jesus. I came to Abraham, and he did as I wished. His son Isaac was open to My call. And then I selected Jacob, against tradition, to be the actual father of Israel. By all rational standards he was a poor choice as an individual, and I had to confront him boldly to bring him to servanthood. Yet he came, and thus it is remembered that I am the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob.

You hear this without much enthusiasm. You know Me through these clear (mostly!), current Teachings, and therefore you feel little need to remember these pre-Christian interactions of Mine. This is a natural response, for I am as real to you as I was to Jacob. Yet I still call you to remembrance of the long story.

But the real focus shall break forth soon. My active preaching-teaching ministry as Jesus was “over.” Now you have been teaching for 37 years, and you know that what you teach now is different from that which you taught to 8th graders in your third year. Even at 33 you were just beginning to have confidence in your place as a career teacher. What would the Holy Scriptures contained if I had preached, taught, and been in active ministry until I was 70? What truths would have been repeatedly emphasized? Could I have given you grace from My life rather than from My death? These are interesting speculative questions, aren’t they?

As God, however, I decided to go with death rather than with life. This is an important Lenten truth. I decided to go with rejection rather than with exultative acceptance. What began with Hallelujahs came soon to “Crucify Him!” But then came Hallelujah again. Lent must remind you that there must be death for life to continue. There must be rejection for acceptance to have its fullest quality.

The longer story is that the Jews accepted My leadership, as Almighty God, and then rejected Me. Yet time and again they returned to the covenant relationship… and then fell away. They accepted Me as Jesus on Palm Sunday, and then they fell away. Christians accept Me every day of every year, but some then fall away. It is life and death enacted in the fundamental rhythm of earth life.

But having said this, do I “recommend” that you fall away and reject Me in order that there might be a glorious resurrection? I know that it could happen, and the results could be good… yet, finally, I say to you, “It isn’t necessary.” No, it isn’t necessary to do it, but you must be aware and appreciative of this truth that underlies Lent. Remember the rhythm of life and death and be ready if you must participate, but glory in ongoing life and relationship as you have it.

There are two truths about the Easter week that I shall mention now and elaborate as that season is closer. The story includes both. One is that I would have preferred ongoing life and ministry, but evil, selfish forces prevailed, and I was killed by crucifixion. The other is that My ministry was over and as My ultimate last voluntary act I gave Myself up as a sacrifice. Each has importance, and you shall hear both.

You know which one is more real to you, but you need not reject the value of the other. To be forced against your will as opposed to doing what you will is like unto the rhythm of life and death.

So be it.
7:31 AM